Friday, February 05, 2010

My Jade is getting so big

I was talking with someone yesterday (was that you Cristy) who was telling me how strange it was to have a toddler and then give birth to a tiny baby and all of a sudden your little toddler seemed to grow an extra two feet. It makes me want to cry just thinking about the fact my baby is so big and so grown up. Of course, I love that she is growing and I love each new stage of her life, I just know it's going to be a shock to see baby Cutter next to my baby Jade...who isn't much of a baby any more.

We went to a birthday party last night at Charlie Safari and all I had to do was walk around and watch her go from one bouncy house, to one once crazy slide, to one climbing area, after another. I didn't have to help her or hold her hand or push her up because she is to short to reach something. Then, when we went to play in the arcade I found my little girl can throw skeet balls (is that what they are called?) and do race car driving and all sorts of stuff and all she needed from me was more coins.

What happened to my baby girl? lol

This morning I'm watching two little 2 and 3yr old girls for some friends of mine. They are all in Jade's room dressed up in either tutu's or princess dresses. Playing nicely together, baking pretend food and caring for baby dolls and reading little books and having imaginary play with the little tikes princess castle. I just want to go in there and squeeze them all, they are being SO cute! Who would have thought play dates could be so much fun? And so easy?

In other news, it's my sisters birthday today! Happy birthday Nic! And Sunday is my other sister, Joanna's birthday. Then later this month is my youngest brother, Isaac's birthday. This is a birthday full month! It start off with my sister-in-laws, Autumn's, birthday on the 1st. Gotta love it!


Cristy said...

Yes, that was me. =) She is getting so big and so smart! You are going to have such a great helper with Cutter. Happy Birthday Nic!

Nic Ridley said...

Thanks for the Birthday shout out!