Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jade dressed herself!!

For the past two weeks I've really been encouraging Jade to get herself dressed in the morning. She went from not liking having to help pull her pants on to demanding to be the one to put her shirt on by herself. Then, this morning, instead of going in her room with her and picking out her clothes I just sent her in the room and told her to get dressed...and check it out...SHE DID!!! I'm so excited she did everything on her own I don't even care that her patterns clash. lol! My little girl is growing up, and just in time too. With baby number two only five weeks away (hopefully) having Jade able to dress herself will be VERY helpful!

1 comment:

Cristy said...

She looks GREAT!!!!! I think Kam was closer to 4 before he started. Go Jade and you!