Sunday, March 28, 2010
Palm Sunday
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Baby Names
We stand on the beach with blue sky overhead and sand between our toes, watching a brilliant white sail slicing through the waves. It’s a cutter, a small, speedy craft with a single mast – a pleasure to watch, a thrill to sail.
Cutters are sleek. They are graceful. They are fast! And that’s why people have used them for years to race, to play, to feel the sea breeze. There’s just something about a cutter that makes you take a deep breath . . . and smile.
Cutter, we smile whenever we think about you. In the next few years, you are going to pick up speed. You’re going to grow into a boy who loves life, and it is going to be a pleasure to watch you slice through the experiences of life.
When the United States was brand new, cutters took on a new role. America’s leaders decided to organize a fleet of small ships to watch over the coastlines of our country. They needed speedy craft that could defend our waters from smugglers and pirates. They needed ships that could rescue people in distress. What did they use? Cutters, of course!
Originally called the Revenue Marine, this organization later became the U.S. Coast Guard. As the needs grew, so did the ships. Cutters became bigger and bigger, and now any Coast Guard vessel over 65 feet long is called a cutter, and some cutters are up to 420 feet long!
These cutters are still fast, and they are extremely seaworthy; they can keep going in the roughest waters. They still carry protect us from pirates or drug smugglers, and they still rescue ships in distress. Between crises, they keep a watchful eye on all that goes on in the coastal waters of the United States.
In fact, you might call them the Shepherds of the Sea. When you are in trouble on the ocean, you are very glad to see a cutter coming your way! If you’re a criminal, you might not be so happy at the sight.
Cutter, as you grow older, it’s very possible that you too will develop into a kind of cutter that is bigger and more important than any of us can imagine right now. I can envision you as a shepherd of your own sea, protecting people from threats and helping people in trouble.
Your middle name is David, and it’s very significant that David was also a shepherd – of sheep, not seas. The name David means “dearly beloved,” and David was certainly loved . . . by his people and his God. When he was young, he took care of wooly lambs – feeding them, tending their cuts and bruises, leading them to the best pasture, and driving off the wild animals that would harm them.
As a young man, he was small (at least compared to Goliath) and fast. He defeated the giant by his speed and wits, not his brute force. When he was on the run from Saul, his speed and savvy carried him through some tight spots. Best of all, he realized that his strength was small, so he learned to trust completely in a very big, powerful God. And God blessed and used him.
In the end, he became shepherd of the nation. God “chose David His servant and took him from the sheepfolds . . . to shepherd Jacob His people, and Israel His inheritance. So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them with his skillful hands (Psalms 78:70-72).
Cutter, you are dearly loved by your family and by God. As you grow, we pray that you will live up to both of your names: as a protector, a deliverer, a shepherd of all the people that God gives you. We believe that God will choose you to care for His people, and that you will find your greatest joy in that task.
-- Grandpa Bechtle, March 25, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Another wonderful day
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Yes, I'm now a Mom of two!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Jade's first Pedicure

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
This evening I was able to go out and celebrate a birthday with a friend and about 12 other gals. We went to Anthony's Hearthfire Grill as they had a fabulous early dinner special. I got to sit next to a friend who is due to have a baby just two weeks after I am, we are pretty funny looking with our huge belly's and pregnancy stories.
I love that I can get out as often as I do and Jonathan is more then happy to watch our little princess. I heard they played more games of "uno" and had a well balanced dinner...I think Jade had cottage cheese and apple sauce. hee, hee
While many people have told me that they feel like baby Cutter may come early, I don't really think it will happen. I'd be happy to be a momma of two tonight, but I'm pretty sure he's very content inside where it's nice and warm.
On a night like tonight, however, I'm wishing baby Cutter was here, so I'd have someone to talk to instead of just mumbling to myself.
Thankfully I haven't had any problems sleeping until very recently, but now it's difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep in and so I find myself staying up much later then I'm use to in order to fall asleep.
I saw the midwife today, everything is looking good and I'm fat and healthy. Jade loved helping measure my belly with the midwife and listen to baby's heart beat. She says it goes "thump, thump" and then says "it's a beautiful heartbeat". I love my Jade:)
I'm 38weeks...won't be long now.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Spring is gone.
Am I complaining? No, I'm I bummed? Yes.
Spring will be here soon enough though and then I can brag about our fabulous WA summers and make those of you in states like VA, OH, MI, TX super jealous of me;) I'm looking forward to those posts.
Feeling big and pregnant. Hopefully baby will come around due date and I won't have to wait to long after and post long, cranky blog posts. If he is late though...I'll probably be posting long cranky posts. Yah...most likely.
Monday, March 08, 2010
Spring is in the air
Friday, March 05, 2010
Tree art
White Hair
I'm not really excited about white hair per say, it's just funny to see. It's like that first time when you realize a wrinkle on your face doesn't bounce back after you stop smiling, or when you wake up from what should have been a restful nights sleep and realize your back hurts and your muscles ache. Your growing older.
There is nothing you can do about growing older, despite our greatest efforts, so like my mom, I'm determined to embrace age and not freak out about it. So, seeing my first white hair in the mirror the other day brought a smile to my face instead of a frown. Here's to more white hairs, back aches and smile wrinkles!