We ran errands, had lunch, did more laundry and cleaning. Sometime before 3pm we decided to try one of the moves the midwife recommended. Not long after I started having some painful contractions. About 3 I had some more signs that labor may be upon us...but also it may take a few days. I decided not to get my hopes up and just keep on keeping on.
It was a pretty day so we went outside to hang out and play some baseball. This is me about 2.5hrs into labor
And here is Jade and Mom playing ball. She actually (jade I mean) hit quite a few of the balls, I was really proud of her.
As the evening progressed I started becoming more and more sure that this was real labor. I finally decided to call the midwife and have her come check on me. She came around 10:30pm. Told me I was 100% effaced but only 2cm dilated. She recommended rest and trying to sleep as it would most likely be a long while yet. If my water were to break she said to call her. She left around 11pm and gave me some special herbs to drink to try to relax me. I did very hard trying to relax and sleep, but with each contraction I found myself talking to the baby and telling him I was perfectly okay if he wanted to come see me today. At exactly midnight I heard/felt a loud *POP* and it was as if a giant water balloon exploded all over the bed. Needless to say I woke JB and Mom.
The midwife and assistant waited awhile to come thinking I still had a ways to go, so maybe around 2pm. Thankfully mom and JB were there to help me through all the painful contractions and keep me focused.
What must have been an eternity to everyone else only seemed like mere painful moments for me and at 3:14am Cutter David Bechtle was born. 7lb 13oz 2oin long.
Some of you may have read my earlier posts about the possibility of Cutter being born with a clubbed foot. As you can see from the pic below he has perfectly beautiful feet!! Praise the Lord!
Nice, round and red, he is a perfect little poocher of a pumpkin
Jade got to meet him the around 8am that morning, declaring him the "cutest little brother"
She already adores him and offers him her blanket, toys and any other form of entertainment she can find. We are all nice and tired, but happy and healthy. Thank you to all of you who prayed for us!!
yes, congratulations!
So beautiful! I like the new title! =)
so did you have a home birth?? all of my family was born at home. oh and congrats he looks so beautiful!!
Ah, congrats! He is so precious! Being a mommy of two has certainly been a joy and a challenge... and has drawn me closer to the Lord. Definitely a good thing! And yay, he shares a birthday with Morenna. She turned 2 on Tuesday!
You are amazing! Cutter is beautiful! The Bechtle's are BLESSED - welcome baby Cutter! XO
He is adorable - well done you .. and Jade looks like she's going to be a great big sis :D
CC xXx
Congratulations on a beautiful baby boy! I loved reading your story, you make labor sound so easy!!! ;)i am thankful you were blessed with short labor, and congrats on a successful home birth!
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