Jadey girl caught her first cold this week. It is so sad to hear a tiny baby make little coughs and sniffles. Thankfully, aside from being slightly more mellow and wanting Mommy to hold her all the time, she is handling her cold quite well.

I on the other hand am getting pretty bored with just holding and paying 100% full attention to Jade all day. So I decided to play "hair dresser" with her. The other pics I took were awful...but this little ponytail stayed in a bit longer. LOL! What do you think? Jade sure isn't to keen on the look.

My wise Mother suggested I get baby a humidifer to sleep with at night. I have found myself keeping busy in the babys room while she has taken her naps today, since her breathing sounds so awful with her stuffy nose. *sigh* Poor little baby. Say prayers for Jade's health!

To bad humidifiers didn't come in pink! lol!
a pink humidifier would be so cool--and you need to put a shirt on Jade that says "Mommy does my hair!" -nic
lol. Yeah, I don't have a shirt for Jade that says that. Oh, and I found a pink pig humidifier online!! woohoo! Also a "hello kitty" one. We are off to the store to buy one today...and I think I'm gonna look for the pig! Yippee!
Poor pookie-wookie-Jadey-pooh. Tell her to feel better!
haha, i love the shirt she's wearing. she looks more grown up since we saw her earlier this month! -chris
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