From Jade:
Well folks, I had my very first Easter and flight on an airplane. It was quite the experiance, let me tell you. I can't believe what a crazy week I've had...
It all began early last wednesday. Mom woke me up at 3:30am and to my surprise she was fully dressed and looked wide awake. This took me back for a second cause usually mom never looks awake that early in the morning. She started talking in her baby voice telling me what a big trip we had ahead of us and she hopes I'm going to be a "Good girl". I had to laugh at her, cause...I'm always a good girl.
She was right about the trip though, it took FOREVER to get where we needed to go. When we arrived I got to meet my Uncle Isaac for the very first time (along with Grandpa and Grandma Mangione). My Uncle Isaac is only 7 years older then me, he's pretty tall and strong, he carried mom's bags for her out to the car, and boy are they heavy! The first thing I noticed about this new state that we were in was the very cold weather. I started crying when I felt how cold it was and had to blink when I saw white rain falling from the sky. I had never seen anything like it before. Mom called it snow and told me one day I will LOVE to play in it.
That day I got to meet all of my Aunts and Uncles, there were a lot of them. I got a little confused by so many people and pretty soon I just wanted to go to sleep.
The next morning mommy brought me out to meet my Aunts and Uncles again, they all gathered around me and started talking like babies and touching me. I thought that was pretty odd and just stared at them all for a long time.

Daddy didn't hang out with me much at first, he got a long great with all my Uncles especially Travis, Travis is 10 years old and beat him in a chess game. Daddy didn't like that very much so he challenged him to a rematch and won! My dad is so smart!

I must admit I was a bit surprised to see how my Mom acted while on the trip. She was silly and goofy and kept calling my grandma "mom". Here she told me I'd get to see how a chicken was cooked, I don't know why that was so exciting to mom, I don't care how a chicken is cooked.

I guess mom wasn't the only one doing different things. Dad asked his sister, Alicia, if she would do his hair. He got highlights and later shaved off his goatee. I wasn't sure if I would like dad with his new look, but after it was all done...I LOVED it, I have such a handsome daddy!

Mommy bought Uncle Travis and Uncle Isaac "Liars dice" for their birthdays. They all got really good at the game while I was there. Here they are showing off their poker faces.

I think what I liked best about my trip was the fact there was always something going on and so many things to do and people to see. Dad and mom got to play pool and ping pong and all sorts of fun games. Maybe one day Mom and Dad will teach me how to play, I can't wait!

Before long my Grandpa and Grandma Bechtle came to join us all for Easter, I don't think they wanted to miss out on all the excitment. I had never met my Grandpa Bechtle before and was looking forward to meeting him. He is really nice and really smart, he told me all sorts of stuff. I liked to listen to him talk to me.

Grandma Bechtle missed me SOOO much, she wanted to hold me all the time! It's so nice being held!

Granted, sometimes all of my Aunts and Uncles wanted to hold me even when I was tired and needed to sleep. I think they liked to see what I would say or do. If only they knew how silly they looked some times trying to get me to smile!

Uncle Nate is really goofy, he did a lot of funny faces. I told him since he was always acting funny that I bet he wouldn't be any good at a starring contest. He isn't.

Uncle Tony kept trying to get me to sit up on my own. I wasn't able to do it well, I think it's cause my belly is to big, but mom says its cause I'm not strong enough yet.

Aunt Alicia was really nice, I had never met her before. She is daddy's big sister. I thought she was so pretty and so sweet. I think she liked holding me to, she kept smiling at me:)

Sometimes, I admit, I got a little cranky. One night I was laying around and making pityful noises. Grandpa Mangione felt bad for me so he decided to make me laugh. I'm not totally sure what he is doing here, but it was really cool! I just starred and smiled at him the whole time

Grandma Mangione said she didnt' mind it when I cried. Whenever I would start crying she would pick me up and dance with me or sing to me or pat me on my back. Before I knew it she had me all calm and happy. Here I am eating my hands. I just realized they taste REALLY good! Why didn't I ever try to chew on them before?

One morning Mom woke up all excited! She said it was time to make Easter cookies and get ready to make Easter eggs. I wasn't totally sure what she was talking about, but I was ready to try anything new. Uncle Isaac and his friend Abby really liked to decorate the cookies, Aunt Jo and Li weren't bad either.

I liked the Easter eggs the best, It was neat to watch the white eggs change color. Mom said I can help make Easter eggs next year. I hope she doesn't forget!

Easter morning we all had to get dressed up really pretty. Mom said we were going to church to hear a sermon about Jesus' and how he rose from the dead so we all could have eternal life. She told me a lot more about Jesus and how he died for our sins, but I think she will need to tell me the story again some day cause I forgot most of it.

Here we are with the Bechtle's getting an Easter picture. We took lots of pictures that day!

After church Dad and mom said we were gonna have an Easter egg hunt. They said these normally take place outside, but since it was snowing we would do it inside. Most of my Aunt and Uncles were really good at finding eggs.

Uncle Nate seemed to think it was lots of fun and found lots and lots!

I wasn't to sure about this whole thing. How silly is that...finding easter eggs. What's the point? Why find colored eggs? Why hide them in the first place. Dad decided my lack of enthusiasum needed some help and found me a nice pink egg to put in my basket.

Next he said we needed to find my Easter basket to put the egg in. What? Easter basket? Why? I got a little tired of all this childishness and started to cry.

Before I knew it mom took me away and said I need to take a nap and have some food. Yes! I love food!!
The last day of our trip we had to go to school with Grandma Mangione and all her kids (my Aunts and Uncles) they all took different classes at a co-op that took place in a barn. That's right, you heard me, a barn. When we got to the barn it was a LOT nicer then I expected, in was down right classy. Here I am with grandma Mangione at school. She took a break from teaching to give me kisses. I think she has a soft spot for me.

Early Tuesday morning, again I was woken up by a dressed and wide awake mom. I was on to her this time and new she didn't wake up early and get all dressed for was cause we had to leave again. She said it was time to go home. I was a pro now, I knew what an airplane was and I wasnt' gonna let it get the best of me. I figured out if I just slept the whole time the trip would go by really, really fast. So, that's what I did. Here I am waiting with Dad and Mom at the airport, before I decided to sleep.

It was a fun Easter, and a fun trip, but I am tired now. I hope we wait a little while before going to celebrate Easter again:)
It sounds like you guys had a fabulous time! That's great that both sides of the family could be there.
And, Missi, I love the new hair cut! (Jonathan's is nice too, btw.) :)
So, so, so cute! All of you!
I'm so glad you all had fun, especially Jade.
What a fun time! However, how tired are the parents? Jade looks nonchalant about all the attention: "OF COURSE they love me!"
Yeah! Visiting with family over a holiday is the best. So, Jade had her first flight? Way to go, girl! Loved looking at all the pictures!
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