A little into my morning I heard a knock on the door. Who is that? I thought. I went down stairs, slowly, looked through the peep hole. No one. "hmmm". I opened the door just to be sure.
Back to work. *type, type. Type type.* "knock, knock. Knock, Knock". I stopped and listened to be sure it was the door. Sure sounded like it. Odd.
I returned again to the front door, checking first the peep hole before opening. No one. I walked outside, looked up and down the street. No kids that I could see. It's school hours anyway. odd.
As I was returning inside I heard the sound again, this time very loud *KNOCK, KNOCK* Slightly nervous I thought perhaps the sound was coming from our back yard, but then I looked up, right over our front door and there, pecking away was a bird!!! *knock, knock* A woodpecker? It didn't look like a woodpecker. "STOP THAT!" I screamed, more nervous then I sounded. The bird stopped and peered down at me. I freaked. "AH!" I said and ran upstairs as fast as I could.
*pulling open AIM* I franticly typed my husband to inform him of our problem. "What do I do?" he agreed that I could try to scare the bird away. So more confidently I returned to the front door. I started jumping up and down and making noises and telling it to leave. It just looked at me
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