So many things seem to be changing, or happening, or have recently happened. A few minutes before I logged onto my blog account I had a million things to I can only think of a few. lol
As you read last week, I only have four more days of work and then I'm no longer a part-time, working from home, mom. I'm just a Mom! I'm so excited about this!! I thank the Lord that my income has always been in addition to JB's and while, very helpful at times, has never been "needed" to survive.
It's been amazing to, to see how life has changed and needs have changed, as I went from working full time, to sort of full-time (six hours a day) to very part-time (4-3) and now none at all. God's timing truly is prefect.
I'm so proud of my husband too! Getting to see him on the news, hear him on the radio, read what he's written (And I'm not just talking about his book that he co-authored) just blows me away. I don't think I expected life to be as exciting this soon in our married lives. Isn't my husband suppose to be the all impressive man at like...40? Once again I get to thank God for my amazing, wonderful husband. What he has been able to do and accomplish at work blows me away.
That being said I was near tears the other night (granted I am a very emotional women, lol) watching him, once again, show what an amazing Father he is. He's so good and patient with Jade, the two of them play blocks and read books together almost every single night. Jade has come to love and expect the fun activities she gets to do with Daddy. Last night after dinner after repeating her request for daddy to "ome" (come) upstairs with her to play, she finally turned around, grabbed his hand and begin trying to pull him up the stairs with her. She needed her daddy "play" time.
When they aren't playing blocks or reading books, you can find JB with his xbox controller and Jade with an unplugged xbox controller playing football or some exciting game. Or, you can find JB working on the computer and Jade "helping" as J teaches her very important words like "Router" or "wires" or "fan". Her favorite is "fan" and the other day she brought me to the computer and went behind it pointing to the fan and saying "Momma, fan!". lol!
Jade on her own likes to read and do blocks and "wolk" (rock) in her rocking chair. She also will count for you holding up her fingers going "one, two, three, FIVE!"
She goes on the potty like a big girl now too! Sunday I brought her to church in big girl panties and she did great! That makes me very happy. she does have trouble sharing though. Saturday we had some friends over with their little baby girl. The poor girl was playing with a toy and Jade yanked it from her tiny hands. The little baby started crying and Jade got a firm reprimand. Overall, she is a pretty good friend and loves to get together with her little buddies to have "fun" (as she now says)
In other news I'm really looking forward to the holidays and getting to spend time with my In-laws (which includes sisters and brother-in-law, and cute doggies that I KNOW Jade will be thrilled to play with) and then some time with my family and almost all my siblings and sister-in-law and her two, adorable girls. I was gonna add that I am really looking forward to Jade getting to play in snow, but then over the weekend...we got snow!! Can you believe it. There is still a light dusting of snow outside, so I hope to bundle Jade up after breakfast and let her play in whatever is left of the snow. I'll try to take pictures too!
My MOPS group is "off" for the rest of this month, we had our Christmas meeting last Tuesday. That is turned into a pretty busy and big chunk of my life these days. It's so fun getting to meet new moms almost every week and get to hang out with the moms who come regularly and who have become my friends.
It's hard to believe that just a few years ago I was new to this area with little to no friends and spent my afternoons taking lonely walks in downtown while Jonathan was at work.
Now I find it's rare to have any "lonely" times and when I do, I'm finding myself enjoying them. Such as...last Friday. I didn't have anything happening until that evening. So even though I probably should have been doing some form of domestic work, I instead got a chance to read, and look at magazines and play with Jade's hair and paint our finger nails and do NOTHING at all. It was wonderful!
Well, I guess this post is pretty long. So I'll end it for now. I feel like I have so much more I want to say though!