Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jade and shoes

Jade has loved shoes ever since she was able to walk (about 5 months now), but it's only been within the last couple weeks that she has gotten seriously frustrated with the in-ability to put them on and take them off, her self.
So, earlier this week I went out and bought her some pink "croc" look a-likes so she could have some semi practical slip on shoes to put on and take off on her own.
So for the past couple days whenever she isn't eating, sleeping, or asking to sit on the potty (no she is not potty trained, she just likes to sit on the potty) she is on the floor with her toys and her shoes and she puts them on and takes them off.

Ta Da! She is very proud of herself here.

Reading is another favorite past-time, but only if she has her shoes on. Also note her new princess nightgown, she got that this week as well, and I think she knows how adorable she is in it.

JB asked me when/if this phase would ever be over. We both laughed knowing that even if she gets over the constant need to put on and take off her shoes, that most likely her love for wearing shoes will never end and if it does will most likely be replaced with a new fetish. I'm guessing clothes are next.


Nic Ridley said...

CJ loves his faux Crocs too! Jade looks so cute in her pink ones and her little princess nightie!

Kristen said...

I am really looking forward to princess nighties with Alyssa! :) Jade looks too cute!

allie nelson said...
