Yes, it was raining today, and yes, we did knowingly decide to go to the Fair on a rainy day. Jade wasn't to pleased with the thought, and cried most of the drive over.

But once we got there and took her to the petting zoo, she was much happier. Granted, it was hard to get her smiling...

no face there...

not sure what to think here...

very intent here.

She would point at the horses and try to poke them through their fences, and she was smiling a second before this pic was taken in front of the draft horses

She liked to stare at the cows.

And liked to walk holding Dad's hand

Here she is with the sheep.

we did walk a lot in the rain, and tried to get her a ride on some cars. But the age limit was 2 year old, and she is only 20mons, so she wasn't able.
She did have a hot dog, some of my corn dog, parts of my scone and lots of french fries. And that pleased her greatly.
Cold and rainy as it was, we did have a nice time at the Fair.
I miss seeing myself on this blog, though Jade is pretty cute:-)
So cute holding dad's hand! Oh and I love that hat!!!Lol
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