This weekend our family spent at a nice resort near Canada called Semiahmoo (sp?). It was for a work event and we wives and children just came to enjoy the surroundings (not for work). There wasn't really to much for us to do, but the kids did find throwing rocks in the water very enjoyable. They even found a huge (dead) jelly fish on the rocks! Eck!

The first day we were there we had a nice time touring the resort and playing near the water, but the second day we decided to see what there was to do around town. First, we had to make a stop at Jack in the Box for some healthy lunch:) Then it was off to TJ Maxx for some shopping!

Saturday afternoon Jade and I went and played in the pool, it was outdoors, and while the pool itself was heated, we did get pretty cold. So we checked out the steam room for a whole of two seconds and then went to "nap" and watch some cartoons. Later that evening all the moms and kids got together in a big room and we ordered room service. Then it was back to our room to watch "Horton Hears a Who" with all six of the kids piled on our two beds (plus moms). It was fun!
Sunday was a short day and then a long drive home. We are back now and ready to do some resting and laundry before Monday starts.
Oh, and here are some pics I got at Kamerons birthday party on Thursday. Not that I have any pics of the birthday boy, he was to excited and thus never stood still. But I got Jade and her little friends:)

This is Jade chillin' in the bouncy house. Not sure if you can see or not. She would lay down and let everyone else around her jump up and down. She laughed and thought this was the bes way to do the bouncy house.
The pic of Jade laying down in the bouncy bounce cracked me up! She sure did figure out the best way to have fun in there! lol! Let the others do the work for you! lol!
I love all the little kid ponytails! :-) Jade is pretty much the cutest toddler I've ever seen...
How cute, sounds fun, Jade is just getting cuter and cuter!
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