Jade woke up this morning at approximately 6:27a.m. Daddy got her out of bed and made her oatmeal.
I got out of bed at approximately 6:32a.m. and found Daddy and Jade with their oatmeal and a banana. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and kept Jade company while she shoveled her oatmeal into her mouth (by her self no less.)
At, or around 6:49a.m. I brought Jade upstairs, changed her diaper, dressed her. Took her into the bathroom and brushed her hair.
At 6:58 (I'm just guessing here)Put two hair clips in her hair. Kissed her adorable face.
Around 7:22a.m. I picked Jade up (with her hair clips still in her hair) and put her in her car seat. We drove Daddy to work.
Returned home a little before 8am. Brought Jade upstairs, sat her in the rocking chair and began working.
8:10a.m. turned around to talk to Jade and ...Da Da! One of her hair clips was gone!!!
Spent 11.5 minutes searching the chair, her clothes, her blankie, her bear, the stairs, the entry way, the car, the garage, the car seat, back upstairs, back around the chair, back looking all over her blankie and clothes. Nothing! Where can her clippy be!!!!!
Thus ends the tale of the missing hair clip.
she didn't get out of the car at dads work:(
When you searched the car did you flip up the seats? I swear one of Lauren's pacifiers was lost in a store, but 6 months later when I was cleaning the car and I flipped up the seat it was tucked in a crevice where I'd missed it any other time I had looked.
It's such a little thing - a hair clip, yet I can imagine how annoying it is to have lost it. 6 months from now (or sooner) I'm sure it'll turn up in the most random place.
Ugh. I hate looking for missing things and those types of hair clips are expensive too. If I had a nickel for every minute I spent looking for lost baby thing-a-ma-jigs, then I could probably buy out Babies R Us!
Alright alright I know..........Ahem, Jade has eaten it!!!
You should have JB X-ray her with his superman power before she digests it.
Sherlock Holmes
A.K.A Li
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