This evening Jade and I went to Harvest Fest at our church. Before we left I decided to dress Jade up like a baby Einstein. She wasn't really as sad as these pictures seem to show. In the first pic she was asking to go outside and the second we are on our way to the party.

These pics don't really do her look justice, but you get the idea. I think her fake mustache was a big hit and of course her crazy hair. Hee, hee I dressed up in a white lab coat and tie (with pants and a shirt of course) to play her "assistant".
This is AWESOME! Chris is laughing too - she is adorable!
Yes, very funny. Both N and I are laughing. N thought it was a lot of hairspray, but I told him you just teased her hair. What can you say... Jade has a LOT of natural body. Too cute! :)
Yep, this is all teased hair, just a bit of hair spray. I actually wished I had done more hairspray because half way through the evening her hair started to go flat.
So funny! I'm going to take credit for this idea since I commented she looked like Albert Einstein on your blog...j/k! :) J said you had a really cute pumpkin you carved--we need pics!
So funny!
What a clever costume! That is so creative and so funny! Awesome. :)
Oh, and the cheesecake lollipops look YUM!
I love the costume. Homemade ones like Jades are always the best!
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