So this morning, like usual, I'm sitting at the computer, emailing away and Jade is next to me talking
Jade: Mommy, Mommy, Hey you!
Mommy: Yes, Jade?
Jade: Mommy, help, peese
Mommy: What do you need Jade? (without turning around)
Jade: Um, bana (banana) payer (paper), off, now!
Mommy: (still not turning around) what do you mean? You have a banana, not paper
Jade: Mommy! Payer, bana, off *crying begins*
Mommy: Jade, don't cry, why are you crying?
It was at this point that I finally tore my eyes off the monitor, turned around and there was Jade with a half of banana in one hand. Stuck to it was a ton of toilet paper, that hadn't broken off the roll. She had dragged the paper all the way from the bathroom, into the other room, up next to me by the computer. Where she desperately wanted the toilet paper OFF her banana.
How it got on her banana in the first place. I'll never know. I broke off the toilet paper from her banana and then had to grab my camera to take a picture of how far she pulled the toilet paper. Mommy life is fun. hee, hee
Darn Banannas! Caitlyn shoved hers yesterday in her snow boot. Thankfully, I found it soon after and didn't have to worry about a smelly boot later!
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