To be honest I'm kind of upset, I mean...just cause he didn't have school to deal with and just cause he was about to move to the other side of the world...WHY did he wait until the last few weeks to start hanging out with us?!?!?!!?! Didn't he know he was gonna make me miss him so MUCH!??! WhY?!! Oh WhY?!?!
Ok. Sorry. I'm better.
Old Rag.
I was so excited about that hike!! We were gonna have a blast!! I knew it!
We got to Sheetz and I got packed in a car with like 5-6 other girls.
Oh, wait...Jonathan and Greg...are they in a car with only them? Just Jonathan and Greg in that other car? That can't be right.
I think Kara (or someone) shouted "Who wants to ride with Jonathan and Greg?!" Before anyone else had a chance I replied "ME!'
I jumped out of the car and joined the "boys" in Jonathan's spiffy car.
We started driving along, the conversation was dull, the music was relaxing and...
"Zzzzzzzz" Yeah, before you knew it I was fast asleep. All I have to say, is I'm glad Jonathan thought I looked cute, cause I was pretty embarrassed when I woke up.
The hike was fun too! I got kind of jealous everytime I saw JB hang back to walk with girls I didn't know. But then I found myself getting frustrated at myself for getting jealous. So I decided to ignore my feelings and I ran ahead to try to keep up with the fast boys.
We had a blast. Look, here is a pic of JB and me at the top of a high rock. That's JB and me...I circled us :-)

He and I hung up on that rock for awhile. I think we even stayed up there while someone took a group picture. I thought that was pretty cool. But I figured JB wasn't thinking anything, so it was ok if I acted like a girl.
Look how short I look in that pic! LOL!
So after old Rag, I found inviting Jonathan to do stuff was easier and easier. He didn't have school so he was free to do stuff, go bowling, see movies with friends...go out to eat. It was lots of fun. He was becoming more and more a "good friend."
One day I went out and bought a desk for my computer. It was super heavy and I was pretty close to tears trying to figure out how I was gonna carry it up to my apartment. I tried to think of who to ask and started scrolling through my phone.
"Oh...Jonathan, he lives nearby...I wonder..."
I called him and he seemed all happy and ready to help. Man, he blessed my heart at that moment.
When the week of his party arrived I was an emotional wreck. I didn't know what was wrong with me. Everytime I went to visit Nic or anyone in Legal, I'd pass his office and want to cry. I purposly waited until the last day to see him in his office, and when I left with my hands full of M&M's I hurt all the way, deep into my gut.
Why did he have to leave? And why was I so emotional? Needless to say I hadn't realized, or at least admitted to myself, that I liked him.
The night of his party is pretty much a blur. Jenna was nice enough to bring her camera so we could get a pic of most of us... Here we are:

That night I cried when I fell asleep. I was so sad. I figured I was just emotional cause Nic was getting married and had recently moved to her new house...but gosh...I hadn't been that sad for awhile.
The day of his departure I let him borrow my car to run an errand. That night all us friends stayed over and we watched a movie. I fell asleep, and when I woke up it was time to say "goodbye." I pulled on my coat and...
~scene in Missi's head~
Missi "This is the last time you're ever gonna see this guy"
Melissa "I know, why am I so sad?"
Missi "don't be a dork, just give him a hug and say goodbye"
Melissa "I'm gonna cry"
Missi" DON'T CRY!"
~end of scene
I didn't cry. I gave him a quick hug and didn't look back. I got in my car and there on the seat was a bag of M&M's and note to say "thank you" to me for all I had done to make his last days in Virginia so special.
*sigh* Jonathan was leaving...he would drive away to Washington and that would be the end of whatever had just started.
"Goodbye Friend, goodbye Jonathan..."
1 comment:
Oh Missi! So sweet!
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