But then. In the stillness of the living room. *dun, dun, duuuuuuunnn* My belly starts to rumble, my heart begins to pound and....
Like the speedy husband he is I get wisked away to our local grocery store to find what I need and what I crave.
~Now, for those of you who aren't pregnant and for those of you who don't have your stomachs fighting all the organs in your body for space, plus a baby pushing you into uncomfortable positions, eating more then a small amount can cause great anguish and agony. Cause even though you think you want another helping of dinner, or some terribly fattening dessert. After you eat it, it is a for sure thing you will feel sick right after. ~
Back to the story. So, my husband gets me to the store in record time. We stroll to the donut counter and I, of course, pick the BIGGEST donut I can find. Muwahahahahaa! Bliss, bliss, my life is bliss. I start to gobble the gooey delight before we even make it to our parked car. Talking, and laughing and eating all the way home I think my life couldn't be any better.
But then...I get out of the car. The sudden movement causes me to feel slightly icky and unstable.
He has to help me to the door lest I faint in utter fear of what may occur next. But alas, nothing to dramatic. I make it up the stairs and promptly fall onto our couch. There I must remain motionless for about an hour and a half before my tummy returns to normal.

*sigh* it was such a great donut while I was eating it, but *ECK!* why? Why? do I do that to my poor, helpless body??!?!!?!?!?!!?
hee, hee.
So I'm afraid my sad tale ends not in simple, sweet, stillness, but in agony and groanings of the body. Warning to all fellow pregnant mommies out there, if you want it...DON'T HAVE IT!!
You crack me up, Missi. Nice drawing by the way.
I can so relate.... So can Mike. This week I had another Chinese food attack and then it made me sick. -rlr
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