Friday, July 07, 2006

So many Friends!

Ok, I had NO idea J and I had so many friends, who actually read our blog! lol! I don't think I have ever gotten so many comments on a post before. *blush* I really don't know what to say:)

My friend sent me a "joke" this morning. It goes like this:
"Pappa mole, mamma mole and baby mole lived as a happy mole family in a
wee mole hole. One bright fine day, pappa mole stuck his head out of the
wee mole hole and said "yummy! I smell maple syrup!" Next mamma mole
stuck her head out of the wee mole hole and said "yummy! I smell honey!"
Baby mole tried to stick his snout out the wee mole hole for a wiff of
the air but the bigger moles blocked his way. "Geez, all I can smell

Today is SUCH a beauitful day! I really don't know what to do with myself:) When it is sunny out I really do feel as though I can take over the world. I go! *que superman type music*

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