Friday morning I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a Mac truck. It was just a cold, sore throat, stuffy nose, no big deal right? Wrong! My whole body was so pathetic and lethargic and exhausted. I decided it was a day to dedicate to the wearing of PJ's. Jade thought this was a fabulous plan and decided to join me.
Looking back I'm kind of proud of my super lazy, did nothing at all, Friday day. We watched some tv shows together, read books, played on the computer, did "School" organized baby clothes and then both of us took a three hour nap. Three hours! It was heaven.
Sadly, Friday night Jade got hit by my cold. In the delirium that is deep sleep, I agreed to a crying Jade that she could join us in bed on Friday night. She had a bad cough and couldn't sleep in her's. Poor Jonathan was beside himself so he went searching for baby cough medicine (which seems to have disappeared from all the store shelves, is it that dangerous now?). Jade did finally fall asleep, insisting that my arm be wrapped tightly around her little body in order for her to do so. I didn't get much sleep but this is only the second time in her little life that I've gotten to make a memory of Jade sleeping with us. So I decided not to be to grumpy about it.
Saturday Jade seemed to be fine except for her cough and I was okay for the most part. Still, I decided not to infect my friends and declined all my afternoon activities. I also canceled working in Sunday school since Jade was still coughing and I had the dregs of a cold.
Sunday I did wonder out into the world. Stopping at Micheals and JoAnn Fabrics in search for some very specific sized, mini paper mache boxes, for an Advent Calendar craft. I also stopped at Target for some more hand soap and zinc lozenges. Which, btw, I just realized I'm suppose to be careful about how much zinc and vitmain-c I take. *sigh* seriously, pregnant ladies aren't suppose to take ANYTHING for colds while pregnant and then when you reach for the more natural remedies your also told "NO!". Oh well.
Jade went to bed early last night, seeming to be just fine. I slept like a baby as well with no wake up calls from sleepless two year olds.
We have a lot of cleaning, laundry and grocery shopping to do today, so I'm hoping the bulk of our colds are gone and we can accomplish this without infecting the world. Needless to say I'll be traveling with my disinfectant wipes (grocery cart) and hand sanitizer just in case! lol
Colds the week of Thanksgiving are not very well planned.
I also, had to laugh, when reading my pregnancy book where it said "Most pregnant women will get at least one cold during their pregnancy" and how I'm barely at month sixth and this is already my third cold. I really am dis-liking my immune system right now.
In happier news, my little sis, Jo and her three roommates from college will be joining us for Thanksgiving this week. I'm really excited to have the company and have someone to cook for!! I mean, it's nice cooking for JB and Jade, but let's be honest, they don't really eat much. So now I have a legitimate reason to buy a pretty big turkey today and not feel like I'm being wasteful.