I started off the morning sending Jonathan to the store to find a roasting pan for my turkey. He said it was full of husbands on cell phones picking up things like pam spray. lol. It wouldn't be a holiday without sending your man off to the store to buy the one thing you forgot, right?
We got the turkey in the oven in record time. Oh , and it's not bleeding, it's just VERY heavily seasoned. lol

Jade didn't get to help with a lot of the turkey day prep, but I did ask her to help me squeeze some oranges for the basting liquid I planned on using. She LOVED helping with that. And I must say did a really good job.

But mostly, Jade spent the day munchin' on snacks and playing with her new friends.

Aunt Jo and three of her College friends drove down from Spokane to spend Thanksgiving with us. I put them to work right away, Jo made the Zeppolas.

Hannah and Elizabeth kept JB company watching Football.

And Stephanie kept Jo (jade took this picture)

and Jade entertained.

While Stephanie was clearly Jade's favorite guest of the weekend, she did cozy up pretty quickly to Aunt Jo, Jo as well. Especially when she realized what a great tickler Jo, Jo was.

Right before we sat down to eat there was a small fight on who would get the second drumstick (JB instantly one the first drumstick). There is only one way to win a fight on Thanksgiving day...with the WISH bone!!

I think, as it turns out, Hannah won the wishbone battle...but still gave up her trophy to Aunt Jo.

We had a great Thanksgiving! The only sad part was my dessert didn't turn out right, thankfully Jo brought pumpkin pie and Stephanie brought delicious pumpkin cookies, so we were OK. :) Jade REALLY liked the "cream" that came with her pumpkin pie. Yum!
Thanks girls for making the trip down!
Hannah won and got the turkey leg actually. :) lol hahahaha. It was so much fun Missi, thanks again for having us!
Jo looks so pretty in the pics! Your turkey looked really yummy!-Li
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