However, my dry skin gets even drier in the Fall/Winter and seems to get that much MORE dry when I'm pregnant. I've woken myself at night from scratching my legs like some crazed, scratching, maniac.
I've tried super hydrating lotions, lotions for "dry, damaged skin" lotions you apply morning, noon and night. And still I scratch like a crazy lady.
So when my dear girlfriend tipped me off to Wal-mart's knock off brand of the above oil, I figured it was time I give it a try.
I've used it for a week now and I LOVE it! It hasn't made my skin 100% hydrated, but the scratching is down to a minimum. Plus, I love the super silky feel of my skin that lasts all day and I can't help but get a kick out of putting oil all over my body...in the winter. Somehow it just puts me in the right mood...as though I were about to go outside and soak up some rays.
If you have super dry skin and you haven't tried body oil. You may want to try it and see if it works as well for you as it has been for me.
Now, if I can only get my face from breaking out while pregnant. hmmm...I may just have to suffer for a few more months there.
Yay! It worked!
PS What are friends for? :)
I started using that stuff last year....I scoffed at first too, but I LOVE it. My elbows don't get all dried out now. :)
so true! My elbows are amazing! lol
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