One more day and it's 2010!!! Whoohoo!! We are having a little party at our house tonight to ring in the New Year and I'm very excited about it! Nothing more exciting then getting to start a new year, fresh start, new season of life, etc, etc, and all that. LOL! Plus, now I'm starting my third trimester and before I know it...I'll be popping out a baby! I can't wait!
In baby/pregnancy news you know you've started your third trimester when you find yourself visiting the ladies room multiply times in a 20min period. Not to mention the waddle starts. Why? why dear Lord must I look like I'm waddling? I guess it's not to bad, but after a long day and being extra tired I find myself waddling around the house and I just want to start quacking.
Jade has loved playing with all her new Christmas toys. I think the best gifts were the three little board games we got her "Candy land, Chutes and Ladders and Hi Ho, Cherry Oh". She pulls the games out first thing in the morning and we find her still playing with them when it's time for bed. Thankfully she believes in cleaning up after herself before bedtime, so the games get neatly put away and stacked on the shelf till morning.
Of course, she has also adored the Princess clothes from Grandma M and loves helping me cook using her very own cooking set from Grandma B. not to mention "My Clifford" that she got from Aunt Autumn. I think there is a part of her that thinks ALL her gifts were from Aunt Autumn since the first two gifts she opened where from Aunt Autumn and when she opened those two she said "that's enough gifts". hee, hee
Jonathan has taken some extra time off work the past two weeks and it's been SO nice having him around. He has spent a good amount of his "home" time working from home, but still...home is home.
Today he took us out to Taco Bell for lunch and then we did some odds and end shopping at Target. I love that kind of shopping. Nothing you "have" to get but a few things you could "use" and just taking your time, no rush, no worries. Feels like vacation. One more day of vacation and then it's back to work we go.
Not that I mind. I like work and routine for the most part.
So, goals for 2010 pretty much center around being a good Mom. I had high aspirations to spend quality time working one on one with Jade last year, and aside from achieving the goal of going on lots of bike rides and spending a good amount of time at "park days" there wasn't a lot of that "one on one" I had hoped for. So I am renewing that goal and actually setting up a plan so I'll be able to stick to it.
Once baby Cutter arrives I know life will be a bit crazy for awhile so if I can get my routine in place before April...then it will be easier to fall back into the routine.
So that's my goal, more time spent with Jade, finding fun extra-curricular activities to do with her and soon babykins and just working on being a good wife, mother, daughter and friend. That's all:)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
My little Princess
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve Service and presents!
Jonathan had to help out with the sound for the Christmas Eve service at church, leaving Jade and I two hours with nothing much to do on our hands. So I decided to get Jade all dressed up. First a bath and then hair rollers. She LOVED having me put her hair up in rollers and did not want to take them out.
Once they came out she was thrilled with her "bouncy" hair and was happy to pose for this picture.
She then took the camera to take a picture of me. Do you like my Christmas red lips?
During the church service she danced and sang with gusto during all of the Christmas carols. For the actual sermon however, we had to rely on the games on Dad's cell phone to keep her busy. And then...we all go to light candles. She was SO excited! Sat perfectly still holding up her candle and singing "Silent Night". It was precious, I couldn't resist taking a picture right in the middle of church.
After Christmas Eve Fettuccine and the reading of the Christmas story, we all got to open one present. Jade opened "Clifford" books from her Aunt Autumn
She was ready to read the books, not take pictures of them
Still, she demanding this last picture be taken with her face hidden.
Jonathan and I opened our Calendars that we buy each other. JB got a "Peanuts" calendar and I got one on making food! Now it's time to pull out the hidden presents from the garage and watch some corny shows. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Boston Cream Cake
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas week fun!
Yesterday morning Jonathan surprised me with an early Christmas present. He had gotten me a gift certificate to receive a Glowing Mother-to-Be massage package with an appointment already set up for later yesterday morning. It was wonderful. I got to spend nearly four hours being massaged, pedicures, facial ed, hair/scalped rubbed, aromatherapy-ed...relaxed.
After my morning/afternoon of relaxation I came home and we got ready to head to Bellevue Square for the Snowflake Lane Christmas show. Jade decided to get extra dressed up for the event and tried on the 3-D glasses we had from a movie.
When we got to Bellevue we were a bit early, so we walked around the mall. Jade's favorite store was Potterybarn Kids, where we found the cutiest little, real, pink phone!. She sat down at the desk and proceeded to make phone calls to all her friends.
The phone costs $40 but I'm REALLY tempted to buy it for her! How cute is that? It looks like a toy!
30min before the show we found a spot outside by one of the toy soldiers. Jade danced and sang along to the music.
When the show actually started it was a bit to crazy and dark for me to get any pictures, I'm pretty sure you can't see a thing in this picture I took below of one of the drummers. At the end of the show they made it "snow" all over the town with what appeared to be soap bubbles. Jade was in awe and tried to catch every single one.
After the show we got to meet all sorts of fun characters like Rudolph and toy soldier men on stilts and we even passed a Snow queen or two. Jade really wanted to meet the Snow Queen and I really wanted to get a picture of them. However, when the Snow Queen offered Jade a chance to touch her magic wand, Jade tried to take it and run. ahahaha!
It was a very fun, wonderful evening. Something I hope to do again! Merry Christmas!
After my morning/afternoon of relaxation I came home and we got ready to head to Bellevue Square for the Snowflake Lane Christmas show. Jade decided to get extra dressed up for the event and tried on the 3-D glasses we had from a movie.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
What Jade has been doing for a long time
Pretty much ever since Jade was first gifted with these blocks from her dear friend, Kristen, she has been building "chairs" for her "Mr. Bear" with them. The below picture Jade took by herself.
Then I told her to get in the picture too so you can see that cute, little, proud grin on her face.
p.s. Daddy helped.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Brown Sugar

I do love brown sugar, it tastes great and makes cookies smell so good. I just wished to share that with all of you.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Poached Eggs

Today with 7 of my Bible Study pals over for Brunch I attempted to make Eggs Benedict, which meant poaching an egg for the first time. And...they came out GREAT!! Poaching eggs is genius and SO deliciously yummy. I already knew I loved poached eggs, but I love them all the more now that I know how to poach them myself.
So, I just had to brag to you all that I can poach an egg and I had eggs Benedict for breakfast this morning without leaving my house:)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Six months and counting
Baby Cutter moves around like a crazy person. I love knowing he's alive and kicking.
At my six month checkup they again asked me if I wished to have another ultrasound to check babies feet. At my last ultrasound (I was told) the technician thought it looked like Cutters feet were turned in. She couldn't be sure though as he moved to much for her to get a really good picture. My midwife suggested another ultrasound to confirm, but I denied this since it doesn't effect that babies or my health and there isn't anything you can do about it.
Then, at this checkup, she told me the technician didn't think his feet were just turned in, she actually said that she thought he had clubbed feet.
I don't know much about clubbed feet or what it even looks like. So yesterday afternoon and today I've done a little research. From what I can tell there are plenty of options out there to try to correct the positioning of the feet. It appears its something you usually can fix at or shortly after birth and if all goes well can have great success in a year or so.
Also, from what I've read, multiple ultrasounds won't guarantee that they will be able to know for sure.
Regardless, this is now on my heart and mind and I know the next three/four months I'll always be wondering what Cutter's little feet will look like when he enters this world.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Feeling Pregnant
I feel like the last two weeks pregnancy really has been a bit of a pain. And by pain what I really mean is aching back and tired body. I'm so, so, SO very grateful I'm not sick or suffering from any food aversions but I am so very tired and feeling so very big and I'm only at the 6mon mark.
With Jade I didn't really drink much coffee, with this one I'm drinking almost a cup of coffee a day. I feel like I can't survive without it. And yet, I know I just need more rest, more water and more exercise. Why is it when we are tired and sad those are some of the first things that we forget about?
Tonight is a work party that I'm looking forward to. We have a sitter so it's just Jonathan and me. I like those kind of events. Of course, I love bringing my sweety girl with me everywhere too...but sometimes you just need a little break.
Saturday I'm throwing a small Christmas party at my house. I can't wait to have friends over and play games and laugh and not think about chores or cooking or drinking enough water. LOL
I like being pregnant when I also know a lot of other pregnant ladies. It does help put things in perspective when one friend can't keep anything down and the other can't gain any weight where as others can barely move. I really don't have it that bad.
Did I mention this is a pregnancy post? LOL
Oh, we have a name. Do you want to hear? Of course you do!! hee, hee. We are naming our little guy "Cutter David Bechtle". There are some cool things about Cutter's name, one...his initials are the same as his Great Grandfather Bechtle, two his middle name is the same as his Grandpa Bechtle and three...we got the idea for his first name from our favorite coffee shop!! *grin*
I do plan on having a backup girls name, just in case those ultrasound photos were WAY off, hee, hee. But I'm thinking they are right and probably we won't need a backup name. As soon as we figure out what that name is though, I'm sure I'll want to share it.
I'm not one for secrets. It runs in my family;)
Washington has had wonderful chilly weather this whole week! Temps as low as 7degrees and days chilly and sunny and cool. I love, love, love it! I love Washington. We get the wonderful cold and so far no horrible icy or snow or other driving hazards. I hear snow is on the forecast for tonight...but I don't mind since I won't be driving...Jonathan will!
I'm pretty positive I'm completely done with all my Christmas shopping! I say "pretty positive" because the only way I'm not done is if I decide to buy gifts for people I wasn't first planning on buying gifts for. And in that case, those presents don't really count. Because I bought all the gifts for everyone I was PLANNING on buying gifts for. See? So I'm done. Granted I didn't buy a ton of gifts this year, I didn't get any for the nieces or nephews, and not all the Aunts and Uncles...and Jonathan did most of his/our shopping the day after Thanksgiving so I didn't have much to get for him. But even still...I'm done.
I guess that is all for now. I better get the baby girl up and start this day!
With Jade I didn't really drink much coffee, with this one I'm drinking almost a cup of coffee a day. I feel like I can't survive without it. And yet, I know I just need more rest, more water and more exercise. Why is it when we are tired and sad those are some of the first things that we forget about?
Tonight is a work party that I'm looking forward to. We have a sitter so it's just Jonathan and me. I like those kind of events. Of course, I love bringing my sweety girl with me everywhere too...but sometimes you just need a little break.
Saturday I'm throwing a small Christmas party at my house. I can't wait to have friends over and play games and laugh and not think about chores or cooking or drinking enough water. LOL
I like being pregnant when I also know a lot of other pregnant ladies. It does help put things in perspective when one friend can't keep anything down and the other can't gain any weight where as others can barely move. I really don't have it that bad.
Did I mention this is a pregnancy post? LOL
Oh, we have a name. Do you want to hear? Of course you do!! hee, hee. We are naming our little guy "Cutter David Bechtle". There are some cool things about Cutter's name, one...his initials are the same as his Great Grandfather Bechtle, two his middle name is the same as his Grandpa Bechtle and three...we got the idea for his first name from our favorite coffee shop!! *grin*
I do plan on having a backup girls name, just in case those ultrasound photos were WAY off, hee, hee. But I'm thinking they are right and probably we won't need a backup name. As soon as we figure out what that name is though, I'm sure I'll want to share it.
I'm not one for secrets. It runs in my family;)
Washington has had wonderful chilly weather this whole week! Temps as low as 7degrees and days chilly and sunny and cool. I love, love, love it! I love Washington. We get the wonderful cold and so far no horrible icy or snow or other driving hazards. I hear snow is on the forecast for tonight...but I don't mind since I won't be driving...Jonathan will!
I'm pretty positive I'm completely done with all my Christmas shopping! I say "pretty positive" because the only way I'm not done is if I decide to buy gifts for people I wasn't first planning on buying gifts for. And in that case, those presents don't really count. Because I bought all the gifts for everyone I was PLANNING on buying gifts for. See? So I'm done. Granted I didn't buy a ton of gifts this year, I didn't get any for the nieces or nephews, and not all the Aunts and Uncles...and Jonathan did most of his/our shopping the day after Thanksgiving so I didn't have much to get for him. But even still...I'm done.
I guess that is all for now. I better get the baby girl up and start this day!
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Christmas Tree day!
After Jade's afternoon nap we all bundled up and headed to the Christmas Tree farm. The past two years Jade hasn't been very into getting a tree, but today she was ecstatic!
running to and fro and calling to daddy when ever she thought we had found one.
It was a bit chilly out, so if she got cold she'd ask me to hold her to warm her up.
She thought it was pretty cool when Daddy cut down the tree and then we had fun following behind him as we took it back to our car.
At first we planned to help Daddy put the tree on the car
But Jade was cold so she waited in her carseat.
It didn't take us long to decorate the tree once we were at home. Jade took the picture below
And here is our tree! Woohoo!
Friday, December 04, 2009
While I was cutting up vegetables, getting a head start on dinner, Jade was sitting on the counter watching me. Over an over she kept asking if she could "put my fingers in the water too". After I got it all done I looked at my little love and said "I have a better idea, how about I give you a bath?" she thought for a second and said "yep, I want a bath, then I can get all wet!" :)
Earlier today while out driving around, I was in a parking lot and came to a rolling stop just slightly past the stop sign. The driver coming the opposit way began frantically yelling and point at me, telling me to stop. Normally when confronted by mean people like this I just mouth "Sorry" but not today, I mouthed and yelled right back with motions telling her "I AM STOPPING" who doesn't roll to a stop in a parking lot? Hello? Whatever. Not very Christian like or in the Christmas spirit but I had total control of my car and was NOT going to hit her.
I'm so happy that I stopped by the Family Christian Bookstore last weekend and got a few CD's for only $5! I'm not listening to wonderful Christmas music on my iPod and loving it! I'm not one to buy CD's often and I have the smallest collection known to man. One of these days I'm going to actually start buying music I like all the time.
We've had a few pretty days in a row now, well, the sun has come out for at least a few hours at a time. Jade and I have only been able to take advantage of it once, with a nice long walk, but even seeing the sun from inside the house or car windows really does wonders for your brain and energy. Thank your Lord for the bit of sunshine this week!
Hopefully we get to pick out our tree tomorrow! Woohoo! I can't wait!
Earlier today while out driving around, I was in a parking lot and came to a rolling stop just slightly past the stop sign. The driver coming the opposit way began frantically yelling and point at me, telling me to stop. Normally when confronted by mean people like this I just mouth "Sorry" but not today, I mouthed and yelled right back with motions telling her "I AM STOPPING" who doesn't roll to a stop in a parking lot? Hello? Whatever. Not very Christian like or in the Christmas spirit but I had total control of my car and was NOT going to hit her.
I'm so happy that I stopped by the Family Christian Bookstore last weekend and got a few CD's for only $5! I'm not listening to wonderful Christmas music on my iPod and loving it! I'm not one to buy CD's often and I have the smallest collection known to man. One of these days I'm going to actually start buying music I like all the time.
We've had a few pretty days in a row now, well, the sun has come out for at least a few hours at a time. Jade and I have only been able to take advantage of it once, with a nice long walk, but even seeing the sun from inside the house or car windows really does wonders for your brain and energy. Thank your Lord for the bit of sunshine this week!
Hopefully we get to pick out our tree tomorrow! Woohoo! I can't wait!
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
I wouldn't mind a pair of these for Christmas
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