Baby Cutter moves around like a crazy person. I love knowing he's alive and kicking.
At my six month checkup they again asked me if I wished to have another ultrasound to check babies feet. At my last ultrasound (I was told) the technician thought it looked like Cutters feet were turned in. She couldn't be sure though as he moved to much for her to get a really good picture. My midwife suggested another ultrasound to confirm, but I denied this since it doesn't effect that babies or my health and there isn't anything you can do about it.
Then, at this checkup, she told me the technician didn't think his feet were just turned in, she actually said that she thought he had clubbed feet.
I don't know much about clubbed feet or what it even looks like. So yesterday afternoon and today I've done a little research. From what I can tell there are plenty of options out there to try to correct the positioning of the feet. It appears its something you usually can fix at or shortly after birth and if all goes well can have great success in a year or so.
Also, from what I've read, multiple ultrasounds won't guarantee that they will be able to know for sure.
Regardless, this is now on my heart and mind and I know the next three/four months I'll always be wondering what Cutter's little feet will look like when he enters this world.
There was a girl who I worked with when I was pregnant with Caitlyn who has a boy 2 weeks before I had her. He was norm with club feet. He had surgery soon after birth and had to be in braces for a bit, but now he walks perfectly. It was actually quite cute. Thankfully it doesn't affect them in any other way. Cutter's going to be so super cute and amazing! I can't wait to meet him!!!!!
No matter what his feet look like, he's yours and you love him. I feel like Cristy, I can't wait to meet this little darling boy. Jeanne M
You look fabulous.
I have done A LOT of research on club feet, as we were considering adopting a child with club feet. Call me if you would like to chat or email me.
I highly recommend you checking into the Ponsetti method to correct if he does have them and check out this blog:
Most of all, don't worry, Kristi Yamaguchi had club feet and some famous football QB.
aww, you look great! I was huge at 6 months, too. So many people were shocked that I was ONLY 6 months along, ah well, right? I say it's because it's a boy:-) Mine was just under 8 pounds when he was born, phew. I was worried that he was going to be huge, but he wasn't. He was born at home, too in water. Loved it!
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