Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Poached Eggs

Today I had a Julie & Julia moment. I felt just like the Julie character in the movie when she was able to complete one of the odd cooking tasks that she had never tried before.
Today with 7 of my Bible Study pals over for Brunch I attempted to make Eggs Benedict, which meant poaching an egg for the first time. And...they came out GREAT!! Poaching eggs is genius and SO deliciously yummy. I already knew I loved poached eggs, but I love them all the more now that I know how to poach them myself.

So, I just had to brag to you all that I can poach an egg and I had eggs Benedict for breakfast this morning without leaving my house:)


Cristy said...

Gross! Keith makes them all the time and I can't even stand watching him eat them!

Cristy said...

Oh, but I'm very proud of you. =)

Missi said...

lol, whatever Cristy. I know how you feel about eggs;)