Well, yesterday I got my very first ticket, my very first ticket for my whole Italian life. It wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for the fact it was in a school zone...and little kids were on the side walk. *sigh* I honestly thought I was going the correct speed, but, that tiny little print on the "20 Mile an hour School Sign" actually says something important.

The cop wasn't very nice either. He didn't even give me a chance to say I was sorry, let alone explain why I was going as fast as I was. Nope, just slapped the ticket at me and off he marched. Yep, marched off to his little, wimpy, motorcycle.
humpf. The last time I got pulled over it was a nice cop. He was nice and sweet, and didn't give me a ticket (cause I hadn't done anything really wrong, he was just bored). But this one... he was NASTY! He was MR. NASTY.
Oh well. At least I know when to go snail pace slow near that particular school zone, gotta protect those little children.
The no longer a perfect driver,
And your expectant state didn't soften him? What a scrooge...may he have coal in his stocking for a decade.
LOL! here, here!
My lawyer's first statement was: She didn't admit to anything did she. So from a legal perspective it is good he didn't give you a chance to say anything. :) rlr
OK, I'll ask. What did that 20 mile an hour sign say that was so important?
I'm afraid to ask how much it is...isn't it doubled in school zones?
~Tell your layer that I didn't admit to anything...in fact, I think the only thing I got out my mouth was "oh".
~Under the 20 mile an hour sign it says "when children are present". I guess I was expecting flashing lights:)
~it was lots of bucks...let me tell you. Not sure if it was double though...cause I've never had a single to know the difference. lol!
oops...I meant to say "lawyer"
As I'm sure Mike has already told you, you retain "perfect driver" status until you actually lose in court or give up and pay the fine. I think there's some small print (but significant) on your ticket that mentions the right to trial, etc. Throw a Drivers Boston Tea Party and try it out! I'm sure you'd get plenty of help from all of the lawyers in your life.
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