Thursday, July 12, 2007

How Jade Crawls

Mom: "Oh look Jade, you are up on all fours! Hurray, good job. Can you show everyone how big and strong you are?"
Jade: "huh?"
Mom: "Show everyone how you get into crawl position!
Jade: "AH! Ok, well, first you start out like this...on your belly, see"
Jade: "Then you push your toes on the floor and stick your bottom in the air"
Jade: " THis is the tough part cause sometimes it throws you off balance and you gotta use your head...hold it, hold it..."
Jade: "Ta da! And that's all there is to it. It's simple. It's easy, look how well I did it.
Mom: "Good Job Jade!! Your such a big girl!"
Jade: "This is starting to get hard, how long to have to stay like this ma?"

Mom: "That's all baby, good job:)


Rachelle said...

Way to go Jade. Now you can get away from Kyri when she wants to wrestle ya.-rlr

Nic Ridley said...

In the second to the last picture Jade is making a face like CJ - and they look SO MUCH alike! Too cute! They even crawl the same way! lol!

SES said...

awesome post Missi and Jade. I thoroughly enjoyed it =)