This weekend they got this crazy idea to go for a VERY long drive. The first three hours were't that big of a deal but then they decided to park in a great big line with a whole bunch of other cars and just sit there. I don't know what they were thinking. So I told them I didn't want to sit in my car seat any more and lucky for me, daddy brought me up front to play games with me.
Recently I cut my very first set of teeth. Mom has been so excited about it, you would have thought I was the very first person on earth to ever get teeth. She said this picture was taken so everyone could see my little "chompers", it's kind of hard to see them though...cause they are pretty small.
The next morning dad and I chilled in the living room drinking coffee and eating breakfast. I'm getting super big now so sometimes I like to sit up being proped up with lots of pillows. I guess I look pretty cute cause Mom took lots of pics of me sitting with dad.
That morning Dad decided he should do more then just sit and talk with all his friends. So he borrowed a kayak and away he went. I decided to take a nap while he took his little adventure so I told Mom to take a quick pic of Dad. Doesn't he look cool?
Later that afternoon mom decided to put me in my bathing suit (no pic, sorry) and she in hers and go "sun bathing". Granted, after mom put my suit on she put more clothes over me to keep me from burning but she said it was the "look" that counted. We sun bathed and read books and talked with friends and before long all of us packed into cars and went "whale watching" not to far from where we were staying. We saw a few "fins" and we assume they were some kind of whale or orca or something, we even saw a few seals, which was really neat.
Before you knew it our beauitful Saturday was over, we didn't stick around for to long on Sunday since Dad and Mom knew it was a long trip back.
As we were waiting for our next ferry, get back to the main land, Dad and Mom found a really cute cafe to buy coffee and Italian soda at. I was bummed they wouldn't let me have any. Waa.
These pictures are awesome! The one with Jade asleep in J's arms is so cute! Jonathan looks so cute as a Daddy!
Cutest. Pictures. Ever. I love that one of her smiling and squinting! Hahaha!
Cute photos! What a fun girl! I should have had mom take a photo of you in your cool bathing suit. -Kyri
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