Monday, September 21, 2009

I made SUSHI!

So my MOPS group this year has an "International" theme going on. Each table represents a different cool city around the world. The table I am meeting at is Tokyo, Japan. Tomorrow I have to bring a dish to share with the group and I was asked to do something along the theme of my table.

So...I called up my good Japanese friend, Yukiko and she came over with her cool bamboo rolling mat to show me how it's done. I did these myself! And I'm very impressed. hee, hee
The ones above I made with imitation crab, avocado (drool) and cucumbers. I'm so happy!
I'll also bring some "American" friendly food, such as scrambled eggs and mini sausages...but this is my nod towards Japanese:)


GJ and Vicka said...

"I'm so happy" - Emperor Cucso, The Emperor's New Groove

Amy K said...

I'm waaaaay impressed. That is so awesome. And I'm sure they were a big hit! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Gross! I don't like sushi. But it's still pretty cool you know how to make it!!!! :)