I'm at the three month mark, going to embark on my second trimester in just a few days and hoping that means "Goodbye" to all day morning sickness and hopefully a return of some much needed energy.
Jade now asks me on a regular basis if "You sick today momma?" and when I say "yes" she'll say "because of the baby in your belly?". When I say yes again she'll proudly pat her own belly and say "I have a baby in my belly too, see" and then she'll push her tiny belly out as far as it will go. hee, hee
Current mommy struggles of late have been Jade's complete and utter fear of public restrooms. While she is potty trained completely at home (including nap times and through the night) the thought of using a public potty (even at a friends home) freaks her out. We are working on this "problem" and will take any and all prayers regarding this. As it makes outing a bit more stressful then needed. lol
Fall weather keeps teasing us, cool one day warm another. I'm not sure if I should pull out sweaters and start buying Jade winter clothes or if I should wait another week or two. Tricky weather.
There is my up date for now. Off to go do some yoga and then have some friends over!
Yeah, I am so excited for you! Jade is so cute. The only fear my kids have is of "pit" toilets and the loud flushers. I don't know how to fix the problem of the automatic LOUD flushers!
Pat was quoting Johnathan the other night, I thought it was so funny I had to tell you. It was something about government workers :-)
You look beautiful, are you going to find out if it is a boy or girl or be surprised?
Hi Sarah!
Have you tried covering the auto flusher with toilet paper? I did that so it wouldn't flush...still Jade freaked, but it kept it from flushing on her. lol
lol, I love hearing when people quote or have fun with my hubby:) hee, hee
Yes, I hope to find out what I'm having this time. But I have to wait a bit longer for that. Miss ya!
Aww!! So cute missi!!!!
I love how Jade thinks she's got a baby too!
Hi Missi,
You mentioned you are doing yoga. Are you doing any other form of exercise during your pregnancy? Have you altered your diet at all either?
Just interested in what other ladies do during their pregnancies.
Maz, Melbourne
Hi Maz,
Yes, I'm walking and doing some biking (which I won't do for much longer...the biking). I also do weights, not more then 10lbs. I do squats and lunges and deadlifts and lat pulls and pretty much everything I did before, save what required me being on my belly. Some stuff I'll need to modify as I get larger (and more off balance) and depending on what my midwife thinks is okay. Since I did all of this before I was pregnant I already had the muscle strength to continue. Obviously you shouldn't start a strength training program when you are pregnant.
I also take a lot more breaks in my workout then I did before I was pregnant. LOTS more water too!
As I get bigger I also have this cool pregnancy cardio video that's only 30min that I plan on doing to replace biking or walking on days when it rains.
I've stopped eating fastfood and I'm trying to eat more veggies and fruits and only lean proteins. Trying to limit my carbs but sometimes a good piece of bread is the only thing that helps morning sickness. All things in moderation right? lol
Hope that helps!
Hey girl, you look great!! I'm so excited for you:)
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