Monday, September 07, 2009

Rain drops keep falling on my head

The past week and a half we've started on what seems to be the fall rainy season. Normally I go all depression with the world when rainy season returns. But this time, it hasn't really happened. I think the main reason is I've been sick. I'm pretty sure I've been fighting bronchitis and when one has a nasty, throaty cough that sounds like you just may can't get out much. And if you have to stay in, and indoors, rain makes it not feel so bad. Everything is all cool, and so you feel you need to be all warm and cozy. Plus the million gallons of tea and water I've been drinking is all the more welcomed, because it's cold and rainy out, so why not have another cup of tea?

I'm starting to feel better, the cough is finally subsiding and my lunges seem to have cleared. Maybe this week I'll be able to accomplish more, more then just finishing season 2 of "lost" on hulu. lol

Our long weekend has been fairly productive considering I've been sick. While we didn't get together with friends (which I was super bummed about) I did get to spend lots of quality time with my man.

Saturday morning I actually helped him clean our garage. I don't clean garages. So the fact I offered to help impressed me. I organized a bit, dusted, swept, threw trash away. I found myself actually having a good time, it was surprising. It does feel nice to get a nasty area like a garage all clean and neat. Plus, I found this really cool car cleaner that did wonders on some scary spots on two rugs I owned. Two rugs that I had been hiding in the garage because of their unsightly spots. But I got those cleaned and they are now back to use in my home. Nice.

Then my man, without me saying a word, put up a curtain rode for the new curtains I bought for the loft. And I was able to hang those, which look very nice.

We took a bunch of junk to the dump and some not so junky, junk to Goodwill.

Sunday my man went to church while I stayed home and "Rested". When he got back we ran some errands and did some "window" shopping for office furniture. Granted, I did stumble upon a clothing coupon and ended up buying myself three new shirts *huge grin of delight*, but it was mostly window shopping.
Then we headed to his work office and started painting an "Accent" wall for him. He did most of the work, but I did help some.

Today it's mostly been my man who has accomplished a lot, he's taken my car to get an oil change and gas. Washed and vacuumed both cars, did work, painted the second coat on his office wall, ran errands, made coffee and spent quality time playing with Jade. I went walking and put a load of laundry in the washer. That's about it. hee, hee

Anyhoo...I'm looking forward to being perfectly healthy again and having energy to focus on my home, family and this new little baby inside me. Yes, that would be nice. Hope everyone had a lovely Labor Day weekend.

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