Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I have the passion to be creative, but not the skills. Not the skills and not the materials. Not the materials and only a tiny bit of patience. A little patience but only so much time.

Time, I have. I'm home. Waaa! Home with ideas. Ideas that I've stollen from Mother Lode, Who, strangely enough, gleaned these fabulous ideas from others...

Why don't I have a huge stash of glue and paper and paint and crayons and ribbons and fabric and thread and yarn, all wrapped up in a cozy little cupboard in a perfectly little craft room in my house? Why?

On gloomy, cloudy days
when my life is a haze,
A sorry little maze
Like a "Rat Race" phase....of boring repetition?
I need in my hands
twenty colorful paint cans
Perhaps some ceiling fans
And a few kitchen pans...and some decision.

okay, that poem sucks. On to the next thing. My children are sleeping. Cutter napping and Jade still asleep from her long evening nap. It's nearly 10am! You know a child is sick when all they want to do is sleep. I better go check on her.

Gosh, I wish I had something to keep me busy today. Why? Oh why did I do so much yesterday?

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