Thursday, July 22, 2010

Just one reason I love my Macbook

My husband likes to throw around fancy words sometimes. Words he thinks should be used in every day conversation but I think should be reserved for fancy novels and deep historical fiction. Since I don't read fancy novels or historical fiction (much) it can be difficult for me to decipher the meaning of the words used...but then I realized...I have a fancy little "dictionary" app (or icon, I don't know what you call it when it's ON your computer and not a fancy iphone or something) on my Macbook and I can just type in the word and ta da! Definition, right at my finger tips. Don't have to go trudging upstairs and search my own dictionary for the meanings.

I enjoyed having it today after watching "Accidental husband" yesterday. There were a few words they threw around in the movie that the characters pretended not to understand. It is fun to look up words you don't tend to use on a regular basis in your vocabulary. I remember as a young child my Mom use to use fancy words and when I would repeat these words to other adults they would look at me as though I were a genius child. I miss that rush. Who thinks of me as a genius now? No one. Doesn't take much to look like a smarty pants when you are six, takes a heck of a lot more when you are 26.

Ah well. At least I have my fancy little dictionary at hand so I can verify the meaning of a word before using it in a sentence. LOL

Now if I only had a spelling master app...I'd be all set.

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