Cutter started rolling over while visiting my grandparents (his great grandparents) in Michigan. He's quite the little talker now, gurgles away baby talk to himself and Jade while driving in the car. He also likes to make his presence known with loud screaming type outbursts. I'm not very excited about this, but it is fun to see his personality shining through:-)
He'll be four months old next week, where has the time gone?
Jade started swim lessons today! (pictures later) she and her friend signed up for class together and ended up being the only two kids in the class! They loved the first lesson and are eager to go back tomorrow.
Jade is my little social butterfly, when friends aren't already over playing she is asking me when friends are coming over to play.
At 3.5yrs Jade is quite my big helper. She will talk with Cutter to calm him down when he's fussy, plays toys with him, sings to him and is constantly giving him is pacifier. Jade found me in another room this evening and peaked her head in to say "I'm gonna go find Cutter and tell him a story, maybe he will smile at me!"
I love her eagerness to be a good big sister and I'm so very grateful for the help, especially on long hard days when nothing seems to go right.
This has been a fun summer so far. I got to travel to Michigan last week with my two kiddos to visit my family and my In-Laws. We are now enjoying some great Washington weather (finally) and have big plans to do some day trips and make this summer as special as we can.
I guess that's a good enough update for now. Enjoy your summer every one!
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