We decided this morning that at 8 days old, it was about time we hauled out the baby bath tub and did more then give Jade a little sponge bath. I was a bit worried how she would handle the little tub full of warm water...but I think she did rather well.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
One visit over...
Grandpa Mangione left early this morning back home. We had a nice visit while he was out, took him to see some of our pretty parks and our lovely littel city. He and mom got to enjoy our warmer weather and all the wonderful sunshine we had over the weekend.

Baby Jade seems to think the greatest joy in life is sleeping. We do catch her smiling in her sleep and absent mindedly moving her mouth as though she is eating. We all say she is dreaming of food and waterfalls of milk:)
Friday, January 26, 2007
I can't believe that baby Jade is already five days old today. I find myself in awe over this tiny little baby God has given to our family. She is so calm and sweet and precious. Cries only when she is hungry or needs a diaper change. *sigh* We are very blessed!
Grandpa Mangione came out to see his newest grand-daughter yesterday, complete with a jade cross pendant for her very first piece of jewlry. He was so happy to see her he ran up our stairs when he entered the house to give her a hug and a kiss. Grandma Mangione has been with us since 3am Monday morning and has done everything from laundry to cooking, to holding baby during middle of the night wake ups...she's cleaned our house, read us stories and overall been my hero while I learn how to be a new mom.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Recently I was talking with a friend of mine when the topic of "What are you passionate about" was brought up. Ironically it was a conversation related to fashion and personal style, but after we talked it got me thinking. What am I passionate about? When was the last time I actually took the time to even review my life and consider what I have done, where I am going and what I want to do?
So often I find myself just going with the flow, living my life one day at a time and just seeing what happens. I've found that even when I'm not paying any attention God is constantly working, always moving in my life and in the lives of those around me. And yet, I rarely take the time to acknowledge Him beyond my moments spent in my quiet time and sunday morning service.
Not to long ago if you were to approach me and say "Missi, what are you passionate about? What has God been doing in your life" I would probably have smiled and said "Got all afternoon?"...but if you were to ask me that right now, I'd have to stop and think...maybe take a few days to really digest the question and come up with an answer.
What are you passionate about? What desires has God given to you that drive you in life? Do you have goals? Dreams? Beyond the exterior...who are you and why?
Last night I spent a very fit full nights rest, trying to get comfortable with my large pregnancy belly and constant visits to the bathroom. In the stillness of the night I found myself lost in thoughts and memories of my life and where God has taken me. I wanted to cry as I poundered everything God has done for me and how I take so much...if not all of it, for granted. Without even realizing my own selfishness I saw just how much I felt entitled to the good life I have lead, all the blessings that God has continually poured out to me. Hardships? What are those? I think I have had hardships, after all when I was single I struggled with money often, I gained weight, I lost friendships and broke off relationships that hurt so bad at the time, I've fought with siblings, I've gotten angry at people and various meaningless circumstances...but aside from that, what have I ever suffered? Nothing. Not really.
I guess I don't really know where I'm going with this post other then it has been humbling to take the time to review my life and see just how merciful God is and how it must pain Him to see the way I react to the life He has so graciously given to me. I know I don't thank people in my life enough for what they have done, let alone taken the time to thank God for what he has done/given to me.
As far as my passions and desires...I think I need to take more time to think it over before I have any kind of an answer beyond the very basic longings of my heart. Anyway, something to think about.
Tomorrow is my husbands birthday! Today we are throwing a little party for him! It should be a fun day!
So often I find myself just going with the flow, living my life one day at a time and just seeing what happens. I've found that even when I'm not paying any attention God is constantly working, always moving in my life and in the lives of those around me. And yet, I rarely take the time to acknowledge Him beyond my moments spent in my quiet time and sunday morning service.
Not to long ago if you were to approach me and say "Missi, what are you passionate about? What has God been doing in your life" I would probably have smiled and said "Got all afternoon?"...but if you were to ask me that right now, I'd have to stop and think...maybe take a few days to really digest the question and come up with an answer.
What are you passionate about? What desires has God given to you that drive you in life? Do you have goals? Dreams? Beyond the exterior...who are you and why?
Last night I spent a very fit full nights rest, trying to get comfortable with my large pregnancy belly and constant visits to the bathroom. In the stillness of the night I found myself lost in thoughts and memories of my life and where God has taken me. I wanted to cry as I poundered everything God has done for me and how I take so much...if not all of it, for granted. Without even realizing my own selfishness I saw just how much I felt entitled to the good life I have lead, all the blessings that God has continually poured out to me. Hardships? What are those? I think I have had hardships, after all when I was single I struggled with money often, I gained weight, I lost friendships and broke off relationships that hurt so bad at the time, I've fought with siblings, I've gotten angry at people and various meaningless circumstances...but aside from that, what have I ever suffered? Nothing. Not really.
I guess I don't really know where I'm going with this post other then it has been humbling to take the time to review my life and see just how merciful God is and how it must pain Him to see the way I react to the life He has so graciously given to me. I know I don't thank people in my life enough for what they have done, let alone taken the time to thank God for what he has done/given to me.
As far as my passions and desires...I think I need to take more time to think it over before I have any kind of an answer beyond the very basic longings of my heart. Anyway, something to think about.
Tomorrow is my husbands birthday! Today we are throwing a little party for him! It should be a fun day!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
39 weeks
Monday, January 15, 2007
Who is gonna go to the Super Bowl?
Ahahahaha! Football has become a very big part of my life, since being married to JB. I use to watch football a few times a year at home...Thanksgiving, Christmas...the Superbowl...that was about it. I've never been able to really understand the sport and aside from enjoying playing it with my family...I'm clueless about players, positions, scores, etc.
All that has now changed.
I was on the edge of my seat for the last three football games in a row! Now its Colts vs. Patriots and Bears vs. Saints! Ah! The suspense is killing me! Can I wait til Sunday to find out who will go to the Superbowl?!
Jonathan mentioned to me yesterday that I didn't have "Feb 4th, The Superbowl" listed as one of the things I am looking foward to this new year. So I guess I better add that now:)
I have become a Colts fan since that is JB's team...but personally I'm pretty partial to the Patriots...not sure how I'm gonna cheer next sunday! AH!
All that has now changed.
I was on the edge of my seat for the last three football games in a row! Now its Colts vs. Patriots and Bears vs. Saints! Ah! The suspense is killing me! Can I wait til Sunday to find out who will go to the Superbowl?!
Jonathan mentioned to me yesterday that I didn't have "Feb 4th, The Superbowl" listed as one of the things I am looking foward to this new year. So I guess I better add that now:)
I have become a Colts fan since that is JB's team...but personally I'm pretty partial to the Patriots...not sure how I'm gonna cheer next sunday! AH!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Last day of work
It is an odd feeling to me, in some ways. That today is my last day of work til after the baby...and beyond. I will work again, after the baby is born, very part-time, but I just don't think it will be the same. I am excited that I get this time off before the baby comes, and I'm excited at the thought of not having to work for a long while. I am sure part of me will miss it though, I do love my job and I like being busy all the time. Hmmm.
So anyway, here are some things I have to look foward to:
Today being the last day of work
21st is Jonathan's birthday!
23rd is my due date!
24th my Mom comes!
Somwhere between the 24th and Feb 10th the baby comes!
Feb 10th my Mother-in-law comes
Feb 22nd my sister and friend come to visit!
March I start up work again and celebrate one year of Marriage. Wow, a lot has happened in this short amount of time. Who would have thought?
So anyway, here are some things I have to look foward to:
Today being the last day of work
21st is Jonathan's birthday!
23rd is my due date!
24th my Mom comes!
Somwhere between the 24th and Feb 10th the baby comes!
Feb 10th my Mother-in-law comes
Feb 22nd my sister and friend come to visit!
March I start up work again and celebrate one year of Marriage. Wow, a lot has happened in this short amount of time. Who would have thought?
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
38 weeks!
Monday, January 08, 2007
Celery and Peanut butter
After my last midwife appointment, I was informed that I really needed to stay away from eating salty foods, start drinking even more water and keep my feet up at night. I've started to get a bit of swelling in my feet and ankles and the midwife just thought it best I avoid having the swelling get any worse.
I took her advice well and promptly got in my car and started craving all the yummy chips, crackers and various salty items I have stashed in my cabinets at home. *sigh* I love salty foods! Its a terrible thing really. When I use to live on my own often my dinner would be chips and salsa and a good movie:)
I like to think I can have a lot of self control in the area of food...but honestly, once you start craving certain foods and you eat them regularly, its really hard to stop. This weekend was super tough. All I wanted to do was pull into every fast food resturant I passed and buy french fries...lots of french fries! At home I forced my husband to finish up the last bit of chips I had in the cabinet to keep me from snacking on the salty treat all afternoon. It got so bad I decided I'd call my mom and see what she had to say.
Her solution was simple. Find healthy, natural foods that continue good salts in them and start munching. Do it for three days and you may start losing your cravings for the "bad" food. Her suggestion was that I start with something easy like celery and pair the celery with a completely natural peanut butter.

Skippy Natural has sugar and salt in it, so its not the best choice, but it does make for a nice picture on my blog.
Since Saturday when I've gotten a super strong salt craving and I want some chips or fries, I have pulled out some celery, topped it off with some healthy peanut butter and ...viola! Craving gone.
I took her advice well and promptly got in my car and started craving all the yummy chips, crackers and various salty items I have stashed in my cabinets at home. *sigh* I love salty foods! Its a terrible thing really. When I use to live on my own often my dinner would be chips and salsa and a good movie:)
I like to think I can have a lot of self control in the area of food...but honestly, once you start craving certain foods and you eat them regularly, its really hard to stop. This weekend was super tough. All I wanted to do was pull into every fast food resturant I passed and buy french fries...lots of french fries! At home I forced my husband to finish up the last bit of chips I had in the cabinet to keep me from snacking on the salty treat all afternoon. It got so bad I decided I'd call my mom and see what she had to say.
Her solution was simple. Find healthy, natural foods that continue good salts in them and start munching. Do it for three days and you may start losing your cravings for the "bad" food. Her suggestion was that I start with something easy like celery and pair the celery with a completely natural peanut butter.

Since Saturday when I've gotten a super strong salt craving and I want some chips or fries, I have pulled out some celery, topped it off with some healthy peanut butter and ...viola! Craving gone.
It's not perfect yet, after all...its only Monday. But for those of you out there who love salty foods like me, here is a healthy option to get yourself out of the salt loving rut:)
Friday, January 05, 2007
Taking a Walk outside
For the past couple days...weeks...I have found it to be either to cold or way to windy/rainy to take a walk outside. This being the case I have tried to make up for the lack of being able to walk outside by walking in place in my living room while watching very interesting shows on tv. Shows like "Babies: Special Delivery" and "Top Chef"...you know...all the best ones. Sometimes I even am able to schedule my indoor walking time around the same time as "That 70's show" which is always amusing.
Well, yesterday, the sun decided to peak out and actually stay out for most of the whole day. Not only that, but it wasn't very cold or all that windy. I took the opportunity to go for a nice brisk stroll.
Now, most of you have seen the picture of me and how big my baby belly has become. If any of you have ever been pregnant of seen a pregnant women in her 9th month you know what I mean when I say I don't really walk any more...I waddle. For some odd reason, its not just myself that finds my waddling to be amusing. I got more stares and yells from cars passing by then I ever think I did when I was a normal sized, non-waddling girl. *sigh*
I was starting to wonder if walking outside was worth it with all the staring, and found myself crossing streets or turning corners just to avoid running into another walker or passer by for fear of the belly comments.
As I rounded the corner to my house I saw my neighbor outside smoking his cigeratte and looking about as bored as an old man can look on a beautiful day. Part of me wanted to just walk inside and not talk with my neighbor friend. He was a nice old man, but I wasnt' sure if I wanted to get caught up in one of his long conversations or hear about the time his wife got pregnant with twins and how "BIG" she got...again. But, trying to be Christian I didn't ignore his wave and walked up to say "hello". During the course of our conversation I found out some things about him that I never knew, about his morals and religious standing. I also learned just how bitter he was at his upstairs neighbors (he lives in a duplex) and their rude behavior to him.
It occured to me while we were talking that maybe God had Jonathan and I living where we do for more reasons then it just being a great location for his work and our church. But that sometimes God can use where you live and who you live by to reach out to people in your area or neighborhood. It also occured to me that our neighbor really does like JB and I and talks with us whenever he can...but his liberal, upstairs neighbors who are suppose to be all about "peace, love and no war" he can't stand and feels slighted by. Could it be that conservative, Christian Jonathan and I could actually be a light to this very lost and very confused old man? Even though our political and religious and moral views are SO completely different?
After our long conversation I went inside to ponder this and pray for our neighbors. One thing I had hoped for in this new year of my life, is that God would give me the opportunity to reach out to more people then just my immediate friends. That He would use me to show his love to some of the very unlovlies of this world.
Anyway, just interesting what God will show you even on a simple walk around your neighborhood. Needless to say, I'm glad I decided to get out and about yesterday.
Well, yesterday, the sun decided to peak out and actually stay out for most of the whole day. Not only that, but it wasn't very cold or all that windy. I took the opportunity to go for a nice brisk stroll.
Now, most of you have seen the picture of me and how big my baby belly has become. If any of you have ever been pregnant of seen a pregnant women in her 9th month you know what I mean when I say I don't really walk any more...I waddle. For some odd reason, its not just myself that finds my waddling to be amusing. I got more stares and yells from cars passing by then I ever think I did when I was a normal sized, non-waddling girl. *sigh*
I was starting to wonder if walking outside was worth it with all the staring, and found myself crossing streets or turning corners just to avoid running into another walker or passer by for fear of the belly comments.
As I rounded the corner to my house I saw my neighbor outside smoking his cigeratte and looking about as bored as an old man can look on a beautiful day. Part of me wanted to just walk inside and not talk with my neighbor friend. He was a nice old man, but I wasnt' sure if I wanted to get caught up in one of his long conversations or hear about the time his wife got pregnant with twins and how "BIG" she got...again. But, trying to be Christian I didn't ignore his wave and walked up to say "hello". During the course of our conversation I found out some things about him that I never knew, about his morals and religious standing. I also learned just how bitter he was at his upstairs neighbors (he lives in a duplex) and their rude behavior to him.
It occured to me while we were talking that maybe God had Jonathan and I living where we do for more reasons then it just being a great location for his work and our church. But that sometimes God can use where you live and who you live by to reach out to people in your area or neighborhood. It also occured to me that our neighbor really does like JB and I and talks with us whenever he can...but his liberal, upstairs neighbors who are suppose to be all about "peace, love and no war" he can't stand and feels slighted by. Could it be that conservative, Christian Jonathan and I could actually be a light to this very lost and very confused old man? Even though our political and religious and moral views are SO completely different?
After our long conversation I went inside to ponder this and pray for our neighbors. One thing I had hoped for in this new year of my life, is that God would give me the opportunity to reach out to more people then just my immediate friends. That He would use me to show his love to some of the very unlovlies of this world.
Anyway, just interesting what God will show you even on a simple walk around your neighborhood. Needless to say, I'm glad I decided to get out and about yesterday.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Babies room
Me at 37 weeks. Yep, my friends...I have a big baby belly and I am ready to pop:) Since all I can think about is baby, I have been wondering what more I can do with the small space we have dedicated for the babies room.
The other day it occured to me just how bare the wall is above the babies crib. I looked online and found very cute winnie the pooh pictures and lots of very expensive frames and shelves. Not having all the money in the world...I decided I'd try my hand at making up my own art for that bare wall.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Can you believe it is already 2007? I'm so glad the New Year is here, but gosh it seemed to have gone by super fast.
Its pouring rain outside. There is a really cute couple across the street at the bus stop huddled under a small umbrella. I have a funny feeling it isn't doing them much good, not in this wind and rain. It is days like this that make me very grateful that I work from home and I don't have to drive around in all the icky weather.
So, any New Years resolutions? I made one...to have a baby!! hahahaha! Ok, so I guess that's not really a resolution since of course I'm gonna have a baby this year. I guess I didn't do much reflecting to decide on anything I really want to change in my life this New Year. Perhaps I will take some moments to think about things and type them out for all of you to read:)
Missi's Plans for 2007
Become a Mom
Eat/Cook healthier
Read more
Reach out to more people
Meet more people at church
Join a bible study or womens ministry group:)
Take my baby for jogs in the park this spring/summer
Go to the beach!!!
Ok, I guess that is enough for now. Some silly things I plan and hope to do in 2007:) I feel so much better now.
Happy New Year everyone!
Its pouring rain outside. There is a really cute couple across the street at the bus stop huddled under a small umbrella. I have a funny feeling it isn't doing them much good, not in this wind and rain. It is days like this that make me very grateful that I work from home and I don't have to drive around in all the icky weather.
So, any New Years resolutions? I made one...to have a baby!! hahahaha! Ok, so I guess that's not really a resolution since of course I'm gonna have a baby this year. I guess I didn't do much reflecting to decide on anything I really want to change in my life this New Year. Perhaps I will take some moments to think about things and type them out for all of you to read:)
Missi's Plans for 2007
Become a Mom
Eat/Cook healthier
Read more
Reach out to more people
Meet more people at church
Join a bible study or womens ministry group:)
Take my baby for jogs in the park this spring/summer
Go to the beach!!!
Ok, I guess that is enough for now. Some silly things I plan and hope to do in 2007:) I feel so much better now.
Happy New Year everyone!
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