I took her advice well and promptly got in my car and started craving all the yummy chips, crackers and various salty items I have stashed in my cabinets at home. *sigh* I love salty foods! Its a terrible thing really. When I use to live on my own often my dinner would be chips and salsa and a good movie:)
I like to think I can have a lot of self control in the area of food...but honestly, once you start craving certain foods and you eat them regularly, its really hard to stop. This weekend was super tough. All I wanted to do was pull into every fast food resturant I passed and buy french fries...lots of french fries! At home I forced my husband to finish up the last bit of chips I had in the cabinet to keep me from snacking on the salty treat all afternoon. It got so bad I decided I'd call my mom and see what she had to say.
Her solution was simple. Find healthy, natural foods that continue good salts in them and start munching. Do it for three days and you may start losing your cravings for the "bad" food. Her suggestion was that I start with something easy like celery and pair the celery with a completely natural peanut butter.

Since Saturday when I've gotten a super strong salt craving and I want some chips or fries, I have pulled out some celery, topped it off with some healthy peanut butter and ...viola! Craving gone.
It's not perfect yet, after all...its only Monday. But for those of you out there who love salty foods like me, here is a healthy option to get yourself out of the salt loving rut:)
You and your mom are geniuses!
Mom's are the best!!
I have to agree- it really does make a nice picture. the celery too! =)
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