Once upon a time there was a very devoted, idealistic, and athletic mom. She decided it was time to train her baby how to use the potty. Each morning she sat her on the potty and made funny noises like "pssss" at her small child. She taught the baby girl sign language for when it was time to potty. Her small child found this quite odd and giggled and laughed at her mommy's attempts at potty training.
One morning, while the very athletic mommy was doing her extremly intense workout, she realized her tiny daughter was not making any sounds.

She turned round and saw her daughter in the corner in her "pooing" stance. "NOOOO" shouted the very athletic mommy. She tried to turn and run after her child, but her very intense workout left her legs feeling like mush and water. *running, screaming* "Potty! You must do that on the potty!" cried mommy. The baby girl looked up at her mother barreling down upon her. She began laughing hysterically. "hahahahaha" laughed her baby. Athletic mommy grabbed her child up and began doing her hand signals for "potty" all the while running her child to the bathroom.

Alas, it was too late. Not one to be discouraged, though no longer feeling like a very athletic mommy, she took her baby's diaper off and dumped the poo in the potty. Baby looked so proud. She smiled up at her mommy as they said "bye, bye" to the baby poo.
Just in case, hopeful mommy, put her baby on the potty. Baby sat there and stared at mommy. Mommy said "go pssss. You can do it" as well as other noises and faces representing things I shan't type on this page, lest those of you reading this get upset tummies. hee, hee.
Baby was done with her potty though. She sat and laughed at mommy. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
awesome- very creative Missi! (and athletic, of course =)
The pictures crack me up, especially your wobbly legs...hee-hee.
So you started potty training...
I am very proud of you Missi!!!
Try to give her old magazines to "read" on the potty and to tear them apart.
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