Jade woke up from her nap this afternoon and the first thing she said was:
J:"I need a bible momma"
M:"You want a bible?"
J:"yes, I need a bible momma, I want to read a story"
Cute, huh?
Friday, July 31, 2009
The past few days
So, the past few days I have spent a lot of time inside. I have been so surprised with the heat wave we have been experiencing. I'm so very, very thankful for our little window A/C unit that my very smart husband bought for us as soon as we moved into this house two years ago. Thank you honey!
I've gotten to have a few people over this week to get out of the heat and into some fairly cool air. That has been fun, if I can have people over or see people every day I'm a happy camper:)
Today hasn't been so bad, in fact, in the shade it's even been kind of nice. I was finally willing to go outside and do a bit of weeding and watering of the few plants I have in the front yard. Poor things all look dead, guess I waited to long.
A memory maker that happened on Wednesday night (our hottest day) was I got to have my baby girl sleep in bed with us. She has never spent the night in our bed, not even when she was a tiny infant. But her room (upstairs doesn't have the a/c reach it) was so hot I felt awful having her sleep in it. She was so cute, kept trying to sleep sideways, her little head resting on my belly and her legs jabbing JB in the ribs. hee, hee. He didn't care to much for Jade's sideways sleeping but I'm glad I got to have a night with my little girl before she grows up and gets to big on me.
Each day I feel like Jade is becoming a little lady, she's getting taller and talking better and before I know it she'll be borrowing my high heels *sigh* Well, I guess she already does that...for dress up, but you know what I mean. Any way, needless to say last night Jade was very upset to find out she didn't get another night sleeping with "Daddy and Mommy's bed?" but after a few minutes of tears she was perfectly fine.
I'm looking forward to a game night tonight at a friends house. I made a strawberry/raspberry cream ice-cream pie...with a home made oreo crust. It was suppose to be all strawberries, but the strawberries at the store didn't look so good, so I bought raspberries instead, but then I mixed in some strawberry ice-cream topper along with the fresh strawberries so...yeah.
Not to many plans for this weekend yet, hoping it gets cooler maybe we can do the fair on Saturday!
I've gotten to have a few people over this week to get out of the heat and into some fairly cool air. That has been fun, if I can have people over or see people every day I'm a happy camper:)
Today hasn't been so bad, in fact, in the shade it's even been kind of nice. I was finally willing to go outside and do a bit of weeding and watering of the few plants I have in the front yard. Poor things all look dead, guess I waited to long.
A memory maker that happened on Wednesday night (our hottest day) was I got to have my baby girl sleep in bed with us. She has never spent the night in our bed, not even when she was a tiny infant. But her room (upstairs doesn't have the a/c reach it) was so hot I felt awful having her sleep in it. She was so cute, kept trying to sleep sideways, her little head resting on my belly and her legs jabbing JB in the ribs. hee, hee. He didn't care to much for Jade's sideways sleeping but I'm glad I got to have a night with my little girl before she grows up and gets to big on me.
Each day I feel like Jade is becoming a little lady, she's getting taller and talking better and before I know it she'll be borrowing my high heels *sigh* Well, I guess she already does that...for dress up, but you know what I mean. Any way, needless to say last night Jade was very upset to find out she didn't get another night sleeping with "Daddy and Mommy's bed?" but after a few minutes of tears she was perfectly fine.
I'm looking forward to a game night tonight at a friends house. I made a strawberry/raspberry cream ice-cream pie...with a home made oreo crust. It was suppose to be all strawberries, but the strawberries at the store didn't look so good, so I bought raspberries instead, but then I mixed in some strawberry ice-cream topper along with the fresh strawberries so...yeah.
Not to many plans for this weekend yet, hoping it gets cooler maybe we can do the fair on Saturday!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Spending a day cleaning
The past couple weeks I haven't put my usual effort in cleaning the house. It's summer after all and who wants to spend all day cleaning? lol
Today I decided that since it was going to be pretty hot all week that I better clean the house today, while I had the motivation, and get it done before the cool morning air drifted away.
The sad part about spending your whole morning cleaning your house is you miss your usual time at the gym. But, I'll try to go tonight or tomorrow. So no big deal.
Jade followed me around kept asking me "what's that momma?" or "I help too!" While I do want Jade to help me clean the house I finally broke down and put on "Winnie the pooh" for her to watch while I got everything done.
Now my house is nice and clean and dusted and vacuumed. Pretty much all of the laundry is done too! I love that feeling. Accomplishment, that's what it is:)
After cleaning up we went to visit our friend Tasneem. She had made an amazing lasagna for her friends who, in the end, didn't eat it. Since it's just her she begged me to come by and take the huge pan of lasagna off her hands. It didn't take much for her to twist my arm. Not only did I get my house cleaned today, but now I don't have to make dinner! Hurray for me! Thanks Taz!
Today I decided that since it was going to be pretty hot all week that I better clean the house today, while I had the motivation, and get it done before the cool morning air drifted away.
The sad part about spending your whole morning cleaning your house is you miss your usual time at the gym. But, I'll try to go tonight or tomorrow. So no big deal.
Jade followed me around kept asking me "what's that momma?" or "I help too!" While I do want Jade to help me clean the house I finally broke down and put on "Winnie the pooh" for her to watch while I got everything done.
Now my house is nice and clean and dusted and vacuumed. Pretty much all of the laundry is done too! I love that feeling. Accomplishment, that's what it is:)
After cleaning up we went to visit our friend Tasneem. She had made an amazing lasagna for her friends who, in the end, didn't eat it. Since it's just her she begged me to come by and take the huge pan of lasagna off her hands. It didn't take much for her to twist my arm. Not only did I get my house cleaned today, but now I don't have to make dinner! Hurray for me! Thanks Taz!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Flaxseed, it seems to be working wonders
While I was in Hawaii last month I met this really neat gal who was currently battle cancer (or so I was told, she never actually mentioned it, aside from a story about being completely bald at one point)
She was very health food savvy and kept giving us all advice on what to eat and where to find the best food options. We got into a conversation about this, since I consider myself pretty healthy with the food choices I make. She said "honey, if I were your age the one thing I would change is I'd start adding flaxseed to my diet. If you change nothing else, that's what I would recommend you change".
I went home and looked up flaxseed, its benefits and uses. Then two days after getting back from Hawaii I started taking it. I bought a coffee grinder so that every morning (or every few days depending on how much I'd grind) I'd have a special grinder just for the flaxseed. From what I read the best way to take flaxseed was freshly ground.
I put it in morning shakes, or I sprinkle it over my cereal in the morning. If I'm making pizza dough or stir fry or anything where the flaxseed will go unnoticed (yes, even cookies) I add it. Now, I don't know if flaxseed really is the mircale worker in my life, but it seemed within a week everything about myself was feeling better.
So now, I'm pretty much sold on the super tiny seed. The best part is when you grind it and mix it in food it's pretty much tasteless, so it doesn't effect anything you are making.
If you aren't currently taking flaxseed and wish to add a healthy new option to your current diet, I would definetly recommend added flaxseed...freshly ground...to your diet. I believe it really will make a big difference. A big difference with very little effort on my part.
Now, with that in mind I'm going to finish writing up my grocery shopping list so I can make peanut butter pie on Sunday for some guests;)
She was very health food savvy and kept giving us all advice on what to eat and where to find the best food options. We got into a conversation about this, since I consider myself pretty healthy with the food choices I make. She said "honey, if I were your age the one thing I would change is I'd start adding flaxseed to my diet. If you change nothing else, that's what I would recommend you change".
I went home and looked up flaxseed, its benefits and uses. Then two days after getting back from Hawaii I started taking it. I bought a coffee grinder so that every morning (or every few days depending on how much I'd grind) I'd have a special grinder just for the flaxseed. From what I read the best way to take flaxseed was freshly ground.
I put it in morning shakes, or I sprinkle it over my cereal in the morning. If I'm making pizza dough or stir fry or anything where the flaxseed will go unnoticed (yes, even cookies) I add it. Now, I don't know if flaxseed really is the mircale worker in my life, but it seemed within a week everything about myself was feeling better.
So now, I'm pretty much sold on the super tiny seed. The best part is when you grind it and mix it in food it's pretty much tasteless, so it doesn't effect anything you are making.
If you aren't currently taking flaxseed and wish to add a healthy new option to your current diet, I would definetly recommend added flaxseed...freshly ground...to your diet. I believe it really will make a big difference. A big difference with very little effort on my part.
Now, with that in mind I'm going to finish writing up my grocery shopping list so I can make peanut butter pie on Sunday for some guests;)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Nap times, I really should be very grateful for
My daughter has become a napping maniac it seems, ever since we got back from Hawaii. While I know I should be forever grateful to her three...sometimes four hour naps that she takes in the afternoon. I find myself feeling antsy and frustrated that I'm stuck at home in the afternoons on fabulous sunny days...or just days. Wanting badly to just go some where.
Today it's not really a big deal though. It's not a sunny day, and the plans I had got canceled, and the plans I tried to make also got canceled. So it's all good.
I'm slowly trying to get Jade to take a nap earlier in the day so she wakes up before it's time for me to make dinner, leaving plenty of time to run errands or go do something before my day is over.
It is pretty awesome though that I do get at least three hours a day that are all mine. So far I've been able to accomplish some ironing, some emailing, obviously some posting, dishes, dusting, and even a bubble bath. I guess I do live a charmed life huh? How many mothers get to take bubble baths in the day time? lol
Earlier today, I attempted to go out to run some errands and do shopping. I stopped by my hubby's work to give him the lunch he packed and left on the counter at home, then got some gas in the car. I was planning on heading to some home decorating stores when my daughter decided she was very, very hungry.
Jade: I hungry momma *said kind of weepy as though I haven't fed her in months*
Mom: We'll get food, your okay
Jade: I hungry momma, I want peanut butter and jelly!
Mom: No, we are going shopping baby, how about I get you some chicken nuggets
Mom: Jade, calm down, we'll eat soon
Jade: Pwease, peanut butter and jelly *dissolving into a flood of fake, tired, sounding tears*
Mom: Okay, you want to go home and get a sandwich?
Jade: Ah huh *still weepy*
Mom: Okay.
*we arrive home I set her down for her sandwich, half a peanut butter and jelly
Jade: I done momma, more pwease *clapping her sticky, pudgy, hands together with excitement*
Mom: okay *hand her the second half of her sandwich, she eats slower and slower then looks at me and says
Jade: I done now, nap time!
With that I carted her upstairs and put her down for a nap. That was at about 11:30am...it's now nearly 3:30pm. Like I said, charmed life.
Today it's not really a big deal though. It's not a sunny day, and the plans I had got canceled, and the plans I tried to make also got canceled. So it's all good.
I'm slowly trying to get Jade to take a nap earlier in the day so she wakes up before it's time for me to make dinner, leaving plenty of time to run errands or go do something before my day is over.
It is pretty awesome though that I do get at least three hours a day that are all mine. So far I've been able to accomplish some ironing, some emailing, obviously some posting, dishes, dusting, and even a bubble bath. I guess I do live a charmed life huh? How many mothers get to take bubble baths in the day time? lol
Earlier today, I attempted to go out to run some errands and do shopping. I stopped by my hubby's work to give him the lunch he packed and left on the counter at home, then got some gas in the car. I was planning on heading to some home decorating stores when my daughter decided she was very, very hungry.
Jade: I hungry momma *said kind of weepy as though I haven't fed her in months*
Mom: We'll get food, your okay
Jade: I hungry momma, I want peanut butter and jelly!
Mom: No, we are going shopping baby, how about I get you some chicken nuggets
Mom: Jade, calm down, we'll eat soon
Jade: Pwease, peanut butter and jelly *dissolving into a flood of fake, tired, sounding tears*
Mom: Okay, you want to go home and get a sandwich?
Jade: Ah huh *still weepy*
Mom: Okay.
*we arrive home I set her down for her sandwich, half a peanut butter and jelly
Jade: I done momma, more pwease *clapping her sticky, pudgy, hands together with excitement*
Mom: okay *hand her the second half of her sandwich, she eats slower and slower then looks at me and says
Jade: I done now, nap time!
With that I carted her upstairs and put her down for a nap. That was at about 11:30am...it's now nearly 3:30pm. Like I said, charmed life.
Trader Joe's in Olympia
While I don't feel the need to shop at Trader Joe's that often, I am REALLY excited about the fact that the Olympia Trader Joe's will be opening on August 21st!
I will most likely start shopping there a LOT more, now that it will be so close to me.
I will most likely start shopping there a LOT more, now that it will be so close to me.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
It looks like rain
It looks like rain out. I think that is a good thing. I think the earth could use a good soaking. Who'd have thought I'd ever hear myself say that. After all, one of my favorite things about living in Washington is the fact that our summers are almost exclusively rain-less.
We've had a really great stretch of sunshine though. Bring on the rain.
So far I have nothing planned or scheduled for my day. I thought about maybe taking Jade to the free movie at the theater but I don't really feel much like popcorn or watching a cartoon. So I think we will pass.
As soon as Jade is up and fed we'll head over to the gym. Where my big plan is to "work out" on the stationary bike while finishing the last few chapters of "Julie&Julia". Then I'll do some strength training in the back dungeon area of the gym that contains no fans so tends to feel like 110 degress. But, I workout there because there is lots of space and most of my workout requires lots of space. I'm starting to wonder if a gym membership really is the way to go.
Now that we own a good weight set and I've been taught how to do a large amount of workouts that don't require equipment...well, I could do all of this at home. However, the nice thing about the gym is the treadmill, stationary bikes and elliptical for when I want to do cardio and I don't feel like pushing a jogging stroller with a nearly 30 pound baby in it. :) I guess I should keep the gym membership, at least for a little while.
I'm getting excited about August. Aside from the fact it's one month closer to my birthday, I also get to see my sis Jo, and Dad and Mom! They are all coming out because Jo is going to school in Spokane and they thought it would be much more fun to fly to Seattle, hang out with me and then drive up to Spokane. Hurray for me!
Also, I get to help out at Sand in the City on August 21st. My MOPS group and church are sponsoring a booth. We will have a "Baby changing/nursing station" booth. Where mothers (and fathers) can stop and have a place to set their child to change diapers that is clean and nice, or a place to sit (can anyone say rocking chairs?) and relax and feed a hungry kid. If they so wish. We'll have water bottles and "park emergency kits" which are super cool. The park emergency kits have things like bandaids and hand sanitizer and handi wipes and neosporin, etc. At any rate, it's a way for us to help the communitee while also letting women know about our MOPS group, in case they are looking for a moms group to be apart of. So, I'm excited about that.
Also, in August, we are all going to go watch the Seahawks practice! We get to go the super cool stadium for a few hours and watch them workout and practice...and...I don't know...eat hot dogs while we watch or something. I'm not a huge football fan, but I"m one of those fans who if given the right mood and right ambieance I can really become a die hard. I've been apart of a fantasy football league for now three years and so I need to start getting my "football" on so I can get a good enough team together to kick the other teams butts. Going to the Seahawks practice should get me motivated and worked up to do just that.
Let's see, what else is in August? Well, those are the main events I guess. I'm off to get my daughter now...the gym is calling.
We've had a really great stretch of sunshine though. Bring on the rain.
So far I have nothing planned or scheduled for my day. I thought about maybe taking Jade to the free movie at the theater but I don't really feel much like popcorn or watching a cartoon. So I think we will pass.
As soon as Jade is up and fed we'll head over to the gym. Where my big plan is to "work out" on the stationary bike while finishing the last few chapters of "Julie&Julia". Then I'll do some strength training in the back dungeon area of the gym that contains no fans so tends to feel like 110 degress. But, I workout there because there is lots of space and most of my workout requires lots of space. I'm starting to wonder if a gym membership really is the way to go.
Now that we own a good weight set and I've been taught how to do a large amount of workouts that don't require equipment...well, I could do all of this at home. However, the nice thing about the gym is the treadmill, stationary bikes and elliptical for when I want to do cardio and I don't feel like pushing a jogging stroller with a nearly 30 pound baby in it. :) I guess I should keep the gym membership, at least for a little while.
I'm getting excited about August. Aside from the fact it's one month closer to my birthday, I also get to see my sis Jo, and Dad and Mom! They are all coming out because Jo is going to school in Spokane and they thought it would be much more fun to fly to Seattle, hang out with me and then drive up to Spokane. Hurray for me!
Also, I get to help out at Sand in the City on August 21st. My MOPS group and church are sponsoring a booth. We will have a "Baby changing/nursing station" booth. Where mothers (and fathers) can stop and have a place to set their child to change diapers that is clean and nice, or a place to sit (can anyone say rocking chairs?) and relax and feed a hungry kid. If they so wish. We'll have water bottles and "park emergency kits" which are super cool. The park emergency kits have things like bandaids and hand sanitizer and handi wipes and neosporin, etc. At any rate, it's a way for us to help the communitee while also letting women know about our MOPS group, in case they are looking for a moms group to be apart of. So, I'm excited about that.
Also, in August, we are all going to go watch the Seahawks practice! We get to go the super cool stadium for a few hours and watch them workout and practice...and...I don't know...eat hot dogs while we watch or something. I'm not a huge football fan, but I"m one of those fans who if given the right mood and right ambieance I can really become a die hard. I've been apart of a fantasy football league for now three years and so I need to start getting my "football" on so I can get a good enough team together to kick the other teams butts. Going to the Seahawks practice should get me motivated and worked up to do just that.
Let's see, what else is in August? Well, those are the main events I guess. I'm off to get my daughter now...the gym is calling.
Monday, July 20, 2009
just talking
I'm mapping out a bike trail/ride this morning. It's so nice out and who knows how long our summer will last. I figure I should spend more time outdoors working out then indoors at the gym working out.
Life is going well for use for the most part. I've been feeling a lot better the past couple weeks. For those of you who don't know for a quite a few months there I was struggling with depression and other hormonal issues. It's been nice feeling like a human again:)
Not much is on the "to do" list of July. It has left me plenty of time to do whatever it is Jade and I feel up to doing each day.
This week will be my week of sewing. I'm meeting with a friend tomorrow to learn how to sew a skirt for me and then another friend on Thursday to learn how to sew a dress for Jade.
I love learning new things.
I'm reading the book "Julie&Julia" I decided to read it after seeing the movie trailers for the movie version of it. While I can't really recommend that book to others to read on language and moral content, it is inspiring me to want to try to cook foods I'd other wise never even consider attempting to make. We'll see if I actually try.
I do like to cook, sometimes I really wish I had gone to culinary school and become a chef. Unfortunately, my likes and dislikes change so rapidly I'm sure I'd have never made it through culinary school if I had gone.
Well, there is laundry to do, a child to feed and myself to get dressed. Have a lovely Monday everyone!
Life is going well for use for the most part. I've been feeling a lot better the past couple weeks. For those of you who don't know for a quite a few months there I was struggling with depression and other hormonal issues. It's been nice feeling like a human again:)
Not much is on the "to do" list of July. It has left me plenty of time to do whatever it is Jade and I feel up to doing each day.
This week will be my week of sewing. I'm meeting with a friend tomorrow to learn how to sew a skirt for me and then another friend on Thursday to learn how to sew a dress for Jade.
I love learning new things.
I'm reading the book "Julie&Julia" I decided to read it after seeing the movie trailers for the movie version of it. While I can't really recommend that book to others to read on language and moral content, it is inspiring me to want to try to cook foods I'd other wise never even consider attempting to make. We'll see if I actually try.
I do like to cook, sometimes I really wish I had gone to culinary school and become a chef. Unfortunately, my likes and dislikes change so rapidly I'm sure I'd have never made it through culinary school if I had gone.
Well, there is laundry to do, a child to feed and myself to get dressed. Have a lovely Monday everyone!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Book sling project done!
I finished the book sling yesterday and then last night Jonathan hung it up for me!
I'm so excited, and I'm hoping this will help limit the number books I find surrounding Jade in bed each morning.
Since it's still brand new, she is liking it a lot. Methodically picking out one book at a time, reading it and putting it back to grab a new one.
Hurray for creative people who share their creative-ness with the rest of us!
Monday, July 13, 2009
"so tight"
Often when I am on the computer, my little Jadey girl crawls under the desk with her blanket and bear and plays quietly until I finish.
While I was typing away on the computer I hear Jade saying "it's so tight" I looked down and she was trying to lay down flat in the tiny space provided. Her poor little head was trying to lay back while her legs were trying to keep from bending. I thought it was so funny I grabbed my camera to take a picture. By the time I took the picture she had already straightened up. oh well. Still cute.
While I was typing away on the computer I hear Jade saying "it's so tight" I looked down and she was trying to lay down flat in the tiny space provided. Her poor little head was trying to lay back while her legs were trying to keep from bending. I thought it was so funny I grabbed my camera to take a picture. By the time I took the picture she had already straightened up. oh well. Still cute.
So, Jade is doing much better. Just as happy and active as ever. Her rash is slowly disappearing and thankfully is no longer contagious so we can get out and be around people.
The weather hasn't been all that great, though the rain has been needed. We've had cool weather and warm weather and rainy weather and even stormy weather (which is very rare). I feel like I don't know how to dress my daughter any more. I should just always carry a sweater and a pair of shorts around for her and dress her only in jeans. lol Oh well
I'm working on making a book sling for Jade's bedroom. I have it made I just need to get it hung up. As soon as I do I'll take a picture of it. To see what it's going to look like, check out this link!
Tomorrow is park day, if any one wants to join us it will be at Tumwater Historical!
The weather hasn't been all that great, though the rain has been needed. We've had cool weather and warm weather and rainy weather and even stormy weather (which is very rare). I feel like I don't know how to dress my daughter any more. I should just always carry a sweater and a pair of shorts around for her and dress her only in jeans. lol Oh well
I'm working on making a book sling for Jade's bedroom. I have it made I just need to get it hung up. As soon as I do I'll take a picture of it. To see what it's going to look like, check out this link!
Tomorrow is park day, if any one wants to join us it will be at Tumwater Historical!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Why Jade and I haven't been up to much lately
Jade and I have been spending a lot of time at home the last few days. Saturday JB and I noticed Jade's cheeks seemed abnormally flushed throughout the day and it also appeared her eyes were red and blood shot. We thought she was tired and over heated so didn't think much about it.
Sunday, the same thing. Monday and Tuesday...when it was rather cool out...I was surprised that she again seemed to be continually flushed, with bright red checks. I think I checked her temperature like five times! Finally, Wednesday I called my mom to ask her medical opinion (she isn't a doctor, but always seems to know what's wrong), I asked this while out shopping for a new themometer thinking mine must be broken. When I told her Jade's seemingly non-ecsistant symptoms I also noticed a rash on Jade's arms and legs, Mom said "Oh, it sounds like she has Fifth Disease".
I hadn't heard of Fifth's disease but was concerned enough to call the doctors office as soon as I hung up the phone with mom to get an appointment. Sure enough, Jade was diagnosed with Fifth Disease . Why do I even bother with a doctor when my mom is around? lol

At any rate, there really isn't much I can do now that Jade has this. There isn't a vaccine or antibiotic that you can give your child. It's really not that harmful to a healthy child/person and aside from slight discomfort (and often flu like symptoms) it isn't that bothersome of a sickness to have. However, it can be harmful...very harmful even...to pregnant women if they aren't already immune.
So, aside from trying to keep a "Fifth Disease" epidemic from spreading throughout Western Washington, Jade and I have been staying home to protect pregnant women and unborn babies all over.
Yesterday, Jade and I spent the day periodically watching "The Rescuers" eating popcorn and carrot sticks and munching on leftover Greek pizza. We also spent a good amount of time reading books, playing "princess castle" and browsing random things on the internet.

Needless to say it was a very relaxing day.
Today the sun is out (hurray!) and I'm hoping it warms up enough that Jade can play in her little kiddo pool while I lay out and read.Take care all!
Sunday, the same thing. Monday and Tuesday...when it was rather cool out...I was surprised that she again seemed to be continually flushed, with bright red checks. I think I checked her temperature like five times! Finally, Wednesday I called my mom to ask her medical opinion (she isn't a doctor, but always seems to know what's wrong), I asked this while out shopping for a new themometer thinking mine must be broken. When I told her Jade's seemingly non-ecsistant symptoms I also noticed a rash on Jade's arms and legs, Mom said "Oh, it sounds like she has Fifth Disease".
I hadn't heard of Fifth's disease but was concerned enough to call the doctors office as soon as I hung up the phone with mom to get an appointment. Sure enough, Jade was diagnosed with Fifth Disease . Why do I even bother with a doctor when my mom is around? lol
So, aside from trying to keep a "Fifth Disease" epidemic from spreading throughout Western Washington, Jade and I have been staying home to protect pregnant women and unborn babies all over.
Yesterday, Jade and I spent the day periodically watching "The Rescuers" eating popcorn and carrot sticks and munching on leftover Greek pizza. We also spent a good amount of time reading books, playing "princess castle" and browsing random things on the internet.
Needless to say it was a very relaxing day.
Today the sun is out (hurray!) and I'm hoping it warms up enough that Jade can play in her little kiddo pool while I lay out and read.Take care all!
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Dinner menu for ten meals
When I got back from Hawaii I sat down with my old Cooking light magazines and my grocery shopping list. Then I made up a ten day dinner menu with ideas I got from my magazines. Just for fun I decided to post these recipes on my blog. I love getting dinner ideas from other people, so hopefully one of these dinners gives you an idea of something to cook!
Teriyaki Pork and Pineapple served over rice
Grilled pork chops served with orzo tossed with vegetables and a piece of rosemary focaccia
Flank steak with chimichurri sauce served with black beans and yellow rice
Southeast Asian Grilled Flank Steak served with rice noodles and thin sliced vegetables
Grilled chicken Casesar salad served with breadsticks and cubed cantaloupe
Lemon grilled chicken breast served with grilled asparagus and couscous with toasted pine nuts
Pork Sate with Peanut-Mirin Sauce served with sugar snap peas and steamed rice
High Plains steak served with marinated green bean and fingerling potato salad, dinner rolls and cherry crisp
Greek Pizza with Lamb served with Romania lettuce, olives and cucumbers
Grilled chicken with an apple-cucumber relish served with sugar snap peas and steamed rice
I haven't made the greek pizza yet or the southeast asian flank steak. I have tried the pork sate in the past and loved it. So far all the meals have turned out great! At least I have liked them:)
Teriyaki Pork and Pineapple served over rice
Grilled pork chops served with orzo tossed with vegetables and a piece of rosemary focaccia
Flank steak with chimichurri sauce served with black beans and yellow rice
Southeast Asian Grilled Flank Steak served with rice noodles and thin sliced vegetables
Grilled chicken Casesar salad served with breadsticks and cubed cantaloupe
Lemon grilled chicken breast served with grilled asparagus and couscous with toasted pine nuts
Pork Sate with Peanut-Mirin Sauce served with sugar snap peas and steamed rice
High Plains steak served with marinated green bean and fingerling potato salad, dinner rolls and cherry crisp
Greek Pizza with Lamb served with Romania lettuce, olives and cucumbers
Grilled chicken with an apple-cucumber relish served with sugar snap peas and steamed rice
I haven't made the greek pizza yet or the southeast asian flank steak. I have tried the pork sate in the past and loved it. So far all the meals have turned out great! At least I have liked them:)
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Fourth of July Food pics
We spent most of the Fourth of July at home, playing outside and hanging out. But around 7:30pm we headed over to Tumwater to play and watch the fireworks with friends.
Jade spent a good amount of that time snacking on the cookies and watermelon that were brought.
Kristen handed Jade the watermelon slice and waited for the verdict. Does she like it?
That is a BIG yes!
Yummy summer snacks!
We also got to see skydivers, Jade cheered for the "Flag jumper" saying "hurray flag! Hurray flag!"
She was pretty excited about that, especially when he landed:)
During the fireworks show Jade "Ooo'ed" and "aahh'ed" and proclaimed the fireworks "bweatiful". She danced like a crazy lady to the music and tried to touch the fireworks with her out-streched finger tips. We made some great memories. Hope everyone else had a fabulous Fourth of July!
Jade spent a good amount of that time snacking on the cookies and watermelon that were brought.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
New pool for summer time!
I bought Jade a little kid pool this afternoon. As soon as she woke up from her nap she dragged me outside to setup the pool.
She kept saying "come here, mommy. Play in the pool with me!"
She spent most of her time going down the slide and repeating that over and over. She also insisted we get her toys from her bathtub to play with.
I had to drag her out for dinner time. Her tears only subsided when food was in her mouth. lol
This is going to be a great summer!
This is going to be a great summer!
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