Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nap times, I really should be very grateful for

My daughter has become a napping maniac it seems, ever since we got back from Hawaii. While I know I should be forever grateful to her three...sometimes four hour naps that she takes in the afternoon. I find myself feeling antsy and frustrated that I'm stuck at home in the afternoons on fabulous sunny days...or just days. Wanting badly to just go some where.

Today it's not really a big deal though. It's not a sunny day, and the plans I had got canceled, and the plans I tried to make also got canceled. So it's all good.

I'm slowly trying to get Jade to take a nap earlier in the day so she wakes up before it's time for me to make dinner, leaving plenty of time to run errands or go do something before my day is over.

It is pretty awesome though that I do get at least three hours a day that are all mine. So far I've been able to accomplish some ironing, some emailing, obviously some posting, dishes, dusting, and even a bubble bath. I guess I do live a charmed life huh? How many mothers get to take bubble baths in the day time? lol

Earlier today, I attempted to go out to run some errands and do shopping. I stopped by my hubby's work to give him the lunch he packed and left on the counter at home, then got some gas in the car. I was planning on heading to some home decorating stores when my daughter decided she was very, very hungry.

Jade: I hungry momma *said kind of weepy as though I haven't fed her in months*

Mom: We'll get food, your okay

Jade: I hungry momma, I want peanut butter and jelly!

Mom: No, we are going shopping baby, how about I get you some chicken nuggets


Mom: Jade, calm down, we'll eat soon

Jade: Pwease, peanut butter and jelly *dissolving into a flood of fake, tired, sounding tears*

Mom: Okay, you want to go home and get a sandwich?

Jade: Ah huh *still weepy*

Mom: Okay.

*we arrive home I set her down for her sandwich, half a peanut butter and jelly

Jade: I done momma, more pwease *clapping her sticky, pudgy, hands together with excitement*

Mom: okay *hand her the second half of her sandwich, she eats slower and slower then looks at me and says

Jade: I done now, nap time!

With that I carted her upstairs and put her down for a nap. That was at about's now nearly 3:30pm. Like I said, charmed life.

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