I'm trying to do more with Jade these days, and not just take her with me when I run errands or go shopping. Just fit in more play trips, more craft times at home and use every moment I'm able as a "teachable" time with her.
So far she's loving all the craft time we've spent together the past two weeks. She'll now come up to me and ask me to color with her or help her write her name or whatever. She's also started actually drawing pictures, not just scribble scrabble (though scribble is what she does most of the time). Now that she is actually drawing shapes and stick figures I'd really love to do this project with her.
My friend Camille did this project with her daughter and she now has super adorable soap dispensers around her home. I love it!
I've also spent a lot of time trying to decide what I want to do in the babies room, since due date is about two months away now. Now that I'm thinking of decorating the babies room it also has me wanting to do so much more with Jade's room.
This morning I spent about an hour rearranging the furniture in Jade's room and I'm trying to envision all the changes I now hope to make to her room. I want to paint her dresser and her bookshelf, I would love a little throw rug, some new pictures on the wall and I really, really want to get materials to organize her closet and use the space there to it's fullest. It's times like these I wish I lived near my sis, Nic who is very artistic, or my Mom, who is very creative.
I did find a friend who offered to give some help and tips if I needed them. And boy do I need them.
I trip to IKEA is being planned for Tuesday afternoon. I'm hoping to score some cheap organizing tools and perhaps a throw rug or two in my price range.
That being said, I'm now craving pickles. Why IKEA and pickles go together, I cannot say. but I'm pregnant and half of what takes place in my brain is unexplainable. Off I go to find some crunchy, salty, fabulous pickles to munch on. Ciao!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Painting in the afternoon
Monday, January 25, 2010
A new kind of Monday
Normally Mondays consist of laundry, cleaning, walking and more laundry. I don't usually try to do anything fun or exciting with Jade and often it turns into a big cartoon day, so I can focus on house chores:) But this morning I was up earlier then normal and thus started my chores earlier then normal. And that's when I realized I had a whole extra hour free to do something with Jade.
So, before we headed off to meet Amber and the twins for our Monday walk, I decided to let Jade paint her bird feeder that she got as a gift from a friend. Here she is after the first coat.
here it is after the second. Jade and I had a blast painting it together, Jade is a very patient painter.
After walking, bookstore, lunch and some more laundry I asked Jade if she wanted to go outside and play with her tricycle and new bat and ball set (Daddy got her the bat and ball for her birthday). Considering the weather was nice I figured we might as well take advantage.
off she goes to chase the ball!
Then while I made up the beds and washed windows and window sills, Jade played in the backyard throwing her ball around and playing on her mini kid slide. Every time she saw me at a window she'd wave and say "Bye Mom, I'm going off to school now!" and would pretend to ride away on a school bus. hee, hee
It's now a little after 2pm and laundry and ironing are almost done for the week, beds are made up with clean sheets, windows are see through again and Jade is pretty tuckered out. She is napping and I'm taking an "email" break. The sun seems to be hiding under a fresh batch of clouds, but boy was it nice to see it for a few hours today.
So, before we headed off to meet Amber and the twins for our Monday walk, I decided to let Jade paint her bird feeder that she got as a gift from a friend. Here she is after the first coat.
It's now a little after 2pm and laundry and ironing are almost done for the week, beds are made up with clean sheets, windows are see through again and Jade is pretty tuckered out. She is napping and I'm taking an "email" break. The sun seems to be hiding under a fresh batch of clouds, but boy was it nice to see it for a few hours today.
Growth spurt
The past couple weeks my daughter has started a new thing, where when I go in her room to get her up in the morning she'll scream and cry at me and say "No, I'm not ready to get up yet, I'm still sleeping". This is wonderful on mornings such as Saturday where she didn't want to get up till 9:40am, but on mornings when Mommy is ready to leave the house by 8am, this isn't such a good thing.
Forcing her out of bed produces a genuine crank pot and leaving her in bed makes me late. What to do? What to do? This morning I wanted to be sure we didn't have any problems so I just opened her door a crack and made sure I made lots of noise while dragging the laundry baskets around and getting breakfast ready. It worked, she's up, eating breakfast and it's only now ten till 8am. I don't really want to change Jade back into that early morning person she use to be as a baby...but having a late sleeper is almost just as hard. Somewhere I'll find the happy medium.
Until then, I guess if I must have toddler troubles I'm pretty lucky it's because she sleeps to much instead of to little. Perhaps, she's just going through a growth spurt.
Forcing her out of bed produces a genuine crank pot and leaving her in bed makes me late. What to do? What to do? This morning I wanted to be sure we didn't have any problems so I just opened her door a crack and made sure I made lots of noise while dragging the laundry baskets around and getting breakfast ready. It worked, she's up, eating breakfast and it's only now ten till 8am. I don't really want to change Jade back into that early morning person she use to be as a baby...but having a late sleeper is almost just as hard. Somewhere I'll find the happy medium.
Until then, I guess if I must have toddler troubles I'm pretty lucky it's because she sleeps to much instead of to little. Perhaps, she's just going through a growth spurt.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
A few pictures from Jade's Bday and Bowling Party
Since we already threw Jade a big Princess Party for her birthday we didn't make big plans for her actual birthday. However, per tradition, I did invite Cristy and her kiddos over for play time and sweets. I'm also starting to switch off babysitting for babysitting with a friend, so her daughter was also with us for the morning.
Here are all the cute kids watching "Little Bear" and eating chocolate chip cookies.
Saturday we got a whole bunch of friends together to do our annual Bowling party in celebration of JB's birthday. This was the first year we actually brought Jade with us (usually we get a sitter). They have bowling shoes in miniature sizes so we thought we'd let her try. She was super excited to bowl and even more excited to sit in the seat of power where you can control the scoring screen. Yes, she is posing with Kameron here.
Here is Cristy with one of Amber's twins, I'm pretty sure she has Tanner.
Drew (also Jade's age) with daddy Andy and momma Amber.
Picture of the two friends. Ashlynn is almost 5, but she still plays really well with my 3 year old.
Sadly I didn't get any pictures of the birthday boy or of all the guys and girls who attended our party.
After we wall went to our house for pizza and cake. I picked up some Little Caesars pizza which I swear I haven't had since I was about 10yrs old, living in Texas. It brought back some great family memories...and who can beat $5 pizzas?
After we wall went to our house for pizza and cake. I picked up some Little Caesars pizza which I swear I haven't had since I was about 10yrs old, living in Texas. It brought back some great family memories...and who can beat $5 pizzas?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Baby Jade is THREE today!
It is hard to believe that three years ago today we got to meet our precious little Jade. She was just a pink little ball of cuteness.
This morning I made Jade some birthday pancakes. I do admit the face is a bit on the scary side...but Jade loved it:)
Happy Birthday Jade, I pray blessings over you this year and all your life through!

Thursday, January 21, 2010
JB is 29!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Spank them all soundly and send them to bed
Saturday, January 16, 2010
A little bit of mini glow-golf with the family
My in-laws had to head back home this morning. For our last night together we all headed to Shankz for a bit of miniature glow-golf with optional 3D glasses! Only JB was brave enough to try the 3D glasses during the whole event. Jade got into it right away. We had taken her mini golfing back in June with my family but we hadn't taken her since. Turns out, she's pretty good! Here she is watching her little pink golf ball go on the hole!
Daddy with a bit of seriousness going on. You have to concentrate extra hard when everything is in 3D!
John showed off some of his mad mini golf skills while Peggy was the only one to get a hole in one!
I was most enamored with the animals throughout, so when we came to the huge elephant I made each of us pose in front of it.
To bad the flash got Grandpa's glasses!
After it was all over Jade and JB did a bit of pretend arcade playing. Jade really, really wanted to play race cars!
After our fun time at mini golf we all headed over to Red Robin for dinner and to redeem JB and Jade's Red Robin birthday coupons. Hurray for free meals!
Friday, January 15, 2010
New desk!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Jade's 3rd Birthday party
Grandpa and Grandma Bechtle came out to visit on Saturday, so I thought it was the perfect excuse to throw Jade a big birthday party to celebrate her third year! Here is Grandpa and Birthday girl before the party started.
Here is part of the living room all decorated for her "Princess" party
Jade and Caitlyn. I told the kiddos they should all dress up, even the boys!
JB is helping Jade and the other little kiddos make edible necklaces using fruit loops
After beating down a pinata and playing "pin the tiara on the princess" all the kiddos needed a food break. They snacked on pudding cones and cupcakes, peanut butter sandwiches, carrot sticks, strawberry cream cheese filled crackers and lots of punch!
Here is what the Princess board looked like after the game. Perhaps I did help the kids find the top of the Princess head. But I'm the host so if I want to let them all cheat, I can!
Here is Jade after she ate her cupcake and pudding cone. hee, hee
Everyone had a great time at the party and Jade was simply SHOWERED with presents! She spent the rest of the afternoon/evening in her room playing with all her new toys. Occasionally Daddy had to help her open a new toy or box so she could keep on playing.
Jade's official birthday isn't until the 22nd of Jan, but even so...I can't believe my baby girl is THREE!
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Seven months and feeling fine
Today was a full day. I went walking with a friend then took her twin six month old boys home with me and watched them for a few hours, then another friend dropped off her two year old daughter for me to watch for a bit as well.
I had a full house of four kids all under the age of three (Jade doesn't turn three until the 22nd). Thankfully the twins were in a great mood and the two year old girls play together well.
Now at 3pm I'm finally showered and dressed and ready to wake my daughter up from her nap so we can run errands at Wal-mart.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Misty rain

Jade fell asleep on the drive after first telling me that "it's okay it's raining mommy, it's not bad". She fell asleep with her eye lids half shut and her thumb half way in her mouth.
The house is quiet now and I feel like the misty rain has created a wonderful still all around my home. I'll probably take a little nap myself, or go searching for that cushy blanket to curl up in with a good book.
Anyway, living in Washington isn't so bad. Sometimes rain can be really beautiful.
Monday, January 04, 2010
New Year and New Year Resolutions starting!
So I just purchased "Living Beyond Yourself" Beth Moore Bible Study, about the fruits of the spirit, for my bible study group. We meet every Wednesday morning at my house. I'm excited about starting a new study and excited about getting back together with my Bible study girls. We have been on a three week break and I'm feeling it!
Jade joined the YMCA on the 2nd where immediately afterward both Jade and I went in the activity pool, swimming our hearts out! I love the water, Jade loves the water. I'm SO excited about her membership!! After only 10min with me holding on to her (while wearing a little life vest) she insisted I "let go mommy" so she could swim on her own. And swim on her own she did. I'm really looking forward to working more with her over the next couple months getting her more comfortable with swimming. It's a great way to exercise and have fun! Plus, in this gloomy, rainy state, there really aren't great places...at all...to take your kid swimming, so this now gives us a place to go!
I also put together a little "craft caddy" last night with the few markers and crayons and coloring books we own. I set it out in a easy place for Jade to grab and color with. I really want to start encouraging her creative skills and eventually use coloring time as part of the preschool program, I plan on starting her on this Fall.
Using markers is a first for her. Last night she had me open each color one at a time, so she could try them all out. So far she is keeping the markers on her paper and not on her clothes or surrounding areas. She is a bit of a neat nick to some extent so I can't really see her going crazy, even unsupervised. She likes things to be in their place.

This morning I am off to go meet my walking partner. For months now we have been meeting every Monday and Thursday morning to do stretching and walking for an hour. She pushes a stroller with her twin babies and I push a jogging stroller with Jade. We both really enjoy our walking time together and I hope we can keep it up even after I have baby Cutter. I guess Jade will just have to learn to walk next to us, since I don't have a double stroller and honestly don't really want one.
I started my third trimester this month! I go see the midwives today for my normal check-up. I get to start having check-ups every two weeks and then every week. Hard to believe I'm finally on the home stretch of this pregnancy. Sometimes I feel like it's taking FOREVER and then other days I can't believe I'm already nearing the end. Helps to stay busy, that's for sure.
My In-laws come out to visit us next week. They arrive on Saturday and will stay a week with us! While here I plan on throwing Jade a big birthday bash for her 3rd birthday. Princess is the theme and everyone is required to dress in their Sunday best. Being the party is happening on a Sunday, that shouldn't be to hard;) This will be Jade's first official birthday party, so I'm hoping it will be very fun for her.
And that's all for my New Years update!
Jade joined the YMCA on the 2nd where immediately afterward both Jade and I went in the activity pool, swimming our hearts out! I love the water, Jade loves the water. I'm SO excited about her membership!! After only 10min with me holding on to her (while wearing a little life vest) she insisted I "let go mommy" so she could swim on her own. And swim on her own she did. I'm really looking forward to working more with her over the next couple months getting her more comfortable with swimming. It's a great way to exercise and have fun! Plus, in this gloomy, rainy state, there really aren't great places...at all...to take your kid swimming, so this now gives us a place to go!
I also put together a little "craft caddy" last night with the few markers and crayons and coloring books we own. I set it out in a easy place for Jade to grab and color with. I really want to start encouraging her creative skills and eventually use coloring time as part of the preschool program, I plan on starting her on this Fall.
Using markers is a first for her. Last night she had me open each color one at a time, so she could try them all out. So far she is keeping the markers on her paper and not on her clothes or surrounding areas. She is a bit of a neat nick to some extent so I can't really see her going crazy, even unsupervised. She likes things to be in their place.
This morning I am off to go meet my walking partner. For months now we have been meeting every Monday and Thursday morning to do stretching and walking for an hour. She pushes a stroller with her twin babies and I push a jogging stroller with Jade. We both really enjoy our walking time together and I hope we can keep it up even after I have baby Cutter. I guess Jade will just have to learn to walk next to us, since I don't have a double stroller and honestly don't really want one.
I started my third trimester this month! I go see the midwives today for my normal check-up. I get to start having check-ups every two weeks and then every week. Hard to believe I'm finally on the home stretch of this pregnancy. Sometimes I feel like it's taking FOREVER and then other days I can't believe I'm already nearing the end. Helps to stay busy, that's for sure.
My In-laws come out to visit us next week. They arrive on Saturday and will stay a week with us! While here I plan on throwing Jade a big birthday bash for her 3rd birthday. Princess is the theme and everyone is required to dress in their Sunday best. Being the party is happening on a Sunday, that shouldn't be to hard;) This will be Jade's first official birthday party, so I'm hoping it will be very fun for her.
And that's all for my New Years update!
Friday, January 01, 2010
Happy New Year every one!! Last night we threw a fun, family friendly, party at our house to ring in the new year. We had six couples and eleven little children running around the house (well, three of them were infant babies, but still) to keep the spirit of the evening light and festive!
Here I am with my friends Kristen and Cristy in our New Year garb!
And here is the happy group, minus a few sleeping and playing children at about 9pm last night!
We spent the evening playing games and playing xbox. Talking and eating lots of yummy snacks! The smart people played a bit of "Blockus" while others of us played games like "ImaginIf", "Apples to Apples" and "Pictionary"
At one point we had a whole group of the children all tucked into the pull out couch, upstairs, watching a kids movie. Such a sweet picture I had to savor the moment. It didn't last to long though. hee, hee. However, all the kids really did a great job staying up as late as they did.
Wishing all my friends and family a blessed and happy Year in 2010!!
Here I am with my friends Kristen and Cristy in our New Year garb!
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