Thursday, January 07, 2010

Seven months and feeling fine

This isn't a side belly shot on purpose, I'm at that stage of pregnancy were I like not seeing just how big my belly is getting. hee, hee. But I had to post a "Seven months" picture.

Today was a full day. I went walking with a friend then took her twin six month old boys home with me and watched them for a few hours, then another friend dropped off her two year old daughter for me to watch for a bit as well.

I had a full house of four kids all under the age of three (Jade doesn't turn three until the 22nd). Thankfully the twins were in a great mood and the two year old girls play together well.

Now at 3pm I'm finally showered and dressed and ready to wake my daughter up from her nap so we can run errands at Wal-mart.

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