Monday, January 25, 2010

Growth spurt

The past couple weeks my daughter has started a new thing, where when I go in her room to get her up in the morning she'll scream and cry at me and say "No, I'm not ready to get up yet, I'm still sleeping". This is wonderful on mornings such as Saturday where she didn't want to get up till 9:40am, but on mornings when Mommy is ready to leave the house by 8am, this isn't such a good thing.

Forcing her out of bed produces a genuine crank pot and leaving her in bed makes me late. What to do? What to do? This morning I wanted to be sure we didn't have any problems so I just opened her door a crack and made sure I made lots of noise while dragging the laundry baskets around and getting breakfast ready. It worked, she's up, eating breakfast and it's only now ten till 8am. I don't really want to change Jade back into that early morning person she use to be as a baby...but having a late sleeper is almost just as hard. Somewhere I'll find the happy medium.

Until then, I guess if I must have toddler troubles I'm pretty lucky it's because she sleeps to much instead of to little. Perhaps, she's just going through a growth spurt.

1 comment:

AmateurAuteur said...

she's getting so big! i can't believe she's already 3. tell her and JB happy belated b-day! and tell JB, "GO SAINTS!!!" ahahahahaha