Friday, January 29, 2010

Painting, projects and pickles

I'm trying to do more with Jade these days, and not just take her with me when I run errands or go shopping. Just fit in more play trips, more craft times at home and use every moment I'm able as a "teachable" time with her.

So far she's loving all the craft time we've spent together the past two weeks. She'll now come up to me and ask me to color with her or help her write her name or whatever. She's also started actually drawing pictures, not just scribble scrabble (though scribble is what she does most of the time). Now that she is actually drawing shapes and stick figures I'd really love to do this project with her.

My friend Camille did this project with her daughter and she now has super adorable soap dispensers around her home. I love it!

I've also spent a lot of time trying to decide what I want to do in the babies room, since due date is about two months away now. Now that I'm thinking of decorating the babies room it also has me wanting to do so much more with Jade's room.

This morning I spent about an hour rearranging the furniture in Jade's room and I'm trying to envision all the changes I now hope to make to her room. I want to paint her dresser and her bookshelf, I would love a little throw rug, some new pictures on the wall and I really, really want to get materials to organize her closet and use the space there to it's fullest. It's times like these I wish I lived near my sis, Nic who is very artistic, or my Mom, who is very creative.

I did find a friend who offered to give some help and tips if I needed them. And boy do I need them.

I trip to IKEA is being planned for Tuesday afternoon. I'm hoping to score some cheap organizing tools and perhaps a throw rug or two in my price range.

That being said, I'm now craving pickles. Why IKEA and pickles go together, I cannot say. but I'm pregnant and half of what takes place in my brain is unexplainable. Off I go to find some crunchy, salty, fabulous pickles to munch on. Ciao!

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