I enjoy a little bit of random when I have so much of the same thing. Can anyone relate to me? Sometimes I feel like everyone's lives are going a mile a minute and then I'm left behind trying to catch up with all the excitment, but missing it by a few seconds.
I can't really complain, I work part-time, I have an adorable baby who is doing new and cute and crazy things every day. I mean, like yesterday she was in her crib and I was at my desk. Every few minutes I'd turn around and I'd see this.

Gosh, I can't wait til she can talk and she and I can have little conversations together. I can tell already that she is a little genius and has SO much to say to me...I just know it.
So back to what I was saying before. I do feel I need to take up some new hobbies, or get out and about more or perhaps I just need to stop focusing on the fact that I do have times in the day where I am bored. Shouldn't I be embracing the fact I can get bored? As I'm sure this phase in my life will pass quickly and I'll probably never get bored again?
I have this huge drive and passion to go hang out at an old folks home. I want to talk with people who have lived a good part of their lives. I want to hear and know what they have been through and what things they loved and what areas they wish they could redo.
Our pastor has been talking a lot about how good it is for women to have mentors in the church. I feel like a dork, but I really want a mentor, or someone who is wiser then me (doesn't have to be older) but someone to discuss spiritual matters with, someone who isn't afriad to step on toes or dig really deep. There is an older women in the church who I think would be that for me, but is it wrong to want that? To use some one in that way? I'm sure I could give to her, perhaps energy or a youthful view point?
I don't know. Lots of crazy thoughts are running through my head today and they all seem so jumbled and confused. I'm sure I shouldn't post this much on my website. Oh well, more silly posts and pics of Jade to come:)
I know what you're talking about. I go through that every now and then. You're just used to a faster paced life and it takes time to adjust to slowing things down. You'll figure it out soon.
Adorable pic of Jade's little head poking out of her crib! I want to hold her so bad!
Love you!
I will try to stop by your house more unexpectedly. :)
It's normal to want a mentor--I think you should pursue it. It will be mutually beneficial whether you can give good advice to an older person or not. It helps the older person feel valued, listened to and appreciated.
There are a lot of good volunteer matching sites on the web if you want to start volunteering, btw...
Gotta say, I completely understand the doldrums of the same old, same old...time for you to plan a trip or event, methinks. :)
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