Monday, May 07, 2007

The slow computer

My computer is running so SLOW today. I do not know why. It makes me sad.

The Jade is SO cute! Why do I have such a cute daughter? She hates baths though. That is a bummer, I gave her one this morning and she cried and pouted and looked up at me with sad little baby eyes. I felt like I was torturing my poor child!

We went and saw Spiderman 3 this weekend. The theater was SO packed, it was awesome! The people in the theater also got super into the movie, there is one part where Peter pushes/hits M.J. and she falls to the ground, half the theater went "OH!" and one guy near the front screamed out load, he was so upset. lol! I always find it funny when people clap during or after a movie, I mean, come on...the actors can't hear you, so what is the point? I think, because of the energy in the theater, I liked the movie a whole lot more then I would have if everyone thought the movie was dumb. Anyway, it was a fun little date night for JB and me, hurrary for good babysitters!

Oh! I almost forgot to say...JB passed the WA bar!!! He took it back in Feb, I knew he would...but I still was doing cart wheels when I found out. No more studying for my man! Woohoo!!

I believe that is all for now. Happy Monday!


SES said...

congrats to JB!

Missi said...

YEAH for JB!!! I should have read your blog days ago to find out his fortune on this. No more studying!!!!