I'd like to first start off saying "Happy Mother's Day" out there to all the Mom's I know. So..."Happy Mother's Day".
The following are some fun pics of Jade. The one below was taken a few days ago. Jade was having a rough day all day long. She didn't want to be put down, only wanted Mommy to hold her and pay her attention and just cried and cried. Finally, I got to tired holding her so I left her on her blanket and went in the other room to finish up some things. I returned to see her fast asleep like this. lol!

Last night I put Jade to bed and thought she had fallen asleep. I didn't hear any noise so I just assumed this was the case. I had to come in her room for something and this is what I found.

She was trying to crawl away I think, lol...but I caught her:)

Grandma Bechtle sent a big box of fun toys and goodies for Jadey. Mostly it was stuffed with all kinds of fun hang puppets. Jade LOVES them!

This weekend was "wooden boat day" downtown. We met up with our good friends to see all the pretty boats. The one behind the guys was accented with lavender colors and flowers. lol!

And here is Kristen and me, as cute as can be:)

I love the hat. She really NEEDED that after the other post with the stoller was her shade. lol
AH! I LOVE the pic of Jade sleeping on her back. Too cute! And she keeps looking more and more like you everyday. I can't wait to see her again. Cute pic of you and Kirsten too...although it makes me jealous. I want to be there too!
ooohhhh! she's soooo cute! she's tricksy that little one...you think she's awake when's she's actually sleeping and awake when you think she's sleeping!!! aha ha ahaha tricksy tricksy!!! :) cc
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