AHAHAHAHAHAH!! We moved to our new home last night! Man, what a week we have had getting everything ready.
Thankfully we had a LOT of help from our friends and some guys at JB's office. The move in and out process went so fast thanks to all of them!
If you need new address info shoot me an email and let me know. Our phone and email and everything is all staying the same.
I'll be posting pics (most likely) soon...or at least sharing stories from our new place.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Jade's new ExerSaucer
This weekend me and a friend had a chance to go check out some garage sales in her neighborhood. I was out looking for a baby cart to attach to my bike and ended up leaving with this cool little "Exersaucer". Jade was thrilled! She loves this silly thing.
Here she is trying to tell me how much fun she was having, she couldn't stop talking (cooing) over it.

Saturday, June 23, 2007
Lonely, I'm so lonely, I have nobody for my own....
Jonathan is out of town this weekend. I miss him very much. waa. But Jade and I are getting by. We went shopping the day he left to buy new clothes for Jade, we've been out to eat twice, watched movies, read books...last night a friend came and watched Jade so I could go out for coffee with my other friends. That was nice.
Today should be a busy day, packing, hanging out with friends, more packing, a call from JB, more packing. Life is good:) But I miss my man.
I guess I don't really have much to say. I was just up early on a Saturday and didn't feel quite like working yet.
I can be so sad sometimes.
Today should be a busy day, packing, hanging out with friends, more packing, a call from JB, more packing. Life is good:) But I miss my man.
I guess I don't really have much to say. I was just up early on a Saturday and didn't feel quite like working yet.
I can be so sad sometimes.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Just a quick post
Ok, so today is my little brother's birthday. He's turning 19. So in honor of his birthday I thought Jade and I should call him and sing him a really bad verison (bad, as in off key) of "Happy Birthday". We got his voicemail so I began my off key song. Not two seconds later but Jade was screaming in terror over my badly sung song. I couldn't even finish she was crying so bad. Sure enough as soon as I stopped singing, she calmed down .
Guess I'll need to sing in key from now on:)
Happy Birthday Nate!
Guess I'll need to sing in key from now on:)
Happy Birthday Nate!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Here are some fun random pics of Jade
Here is Jade and JB's "First Father's Day" pic. They are watching some football I think...or something very manly. Jade loves watching manly things with Dad...football is her favorite:)
This is a pick of Jade in her car seat. I took her out of our car to switch her to a friends. I sat her down on the sidewalk for a moment to give JB his keys...I turned around and saw her smiling so I just had to take this pic.

Friday, June 15, 2007
Rolling strollers and "Good Directions"
Today Jade and I took a walk up to JB's work to say "hi" and steal the car for the afternoon. I was in a super good mood, the walk was refreshing and the air was so crisp and had such a nice summer feel to it. I rolled the stroller up to the car and thought I put the lock on the stroller so I could put some things in the car before grabbing Jadey. However, I didn't have the lock on and when I turned around Jade had her hands and legs in the air and was roller backwards as fast as she could. I freaked and started running after her...she thought that was SOOO funny. Thankfull there were no cars driving around the parking lot, but boy will I check the brakes better next time. lol
Two of my favorite country songs that are playing on the radio right now are Taylor Swifts "Tear drops on my guitar" and Bill Currington's "Good Directions". I was gonna post a music video of "Good Directions" for anyone who hasn't heard the song yet, but the only YouTube videos made of it are super corney...so you'll just have to check it out yourself if you haven't heard it already.
You'd think I would be big country girl with as much as I love country music...but no way! Just had to clarify that.
Check out "Tear drops on my guitar music vidoe here
Two of my favorite country songs that are playing on the radio right now are Taylor Swifts "Tear drops on my guitar" and Bill Currington's "Good Directions". I was gonna post a music video of "Good Directions" for anyone who hasn't heard the song yet, but the only YouTube videos made of it are super corney...so you'll just have to check it out yourself if you haven't heard it already.
You'd think I would be big country girl with as much as I love country music...but no way! Just had to clarify that.
Check out "Tear drops on my guitar music vidoe here
Seven Random Facts
#1 If offered icecream or chips...I'll always takes chips
#2 I once collected 3333 pennies just for the fun of it
#3 My first (and only) speeding ticket was in a school zone (which I didn't realize) where I was going 30 miles an hour.
#4 I've gone "fishing" in a swimming pool with no fish :) with girlfriends, because after we had caught one fish in the lake we all became to tramatized to take another fish off a hook.
#5 I've ridden a dirt bike into a corn field on accident
#6 I've been sky diving
#7 I don't like to drive
I forgot to mention I also make a good rabbit face!
#2 I once collected 3333 pennies just for the fun of it
#3 My first (and only) speeding ticket was in a school zone (which I didn't realize) where I was going 30 miles an hour.
#4 I've gone "fishing" in a swimming pool with no fish :) with girlfriends, because after we had caught one fish in the lake we all became to tramatized to take another fish off a hook.
#5 I've ridden a dirt bike into a corn field on accident
#6 I've been sky diving
#7 I don't like to drive
I forgot to mention I also make a good rabbit face!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
It's time to move on
And when I say move on...I really mean...it's time to move! JB and I are buying our very first house (have I mentioned that already?). We move on June 26th (or 27th...the house is ready for us to move in on the 26th) so anyone in town who wants to help out is welcome too! lol! I know helping us move would make your day, it certianly would ours. *big grin*
I don't have pics of the new house yet, but I will by the end of the month and will be posting them as soon as we get settled in. It's only a few miles from where we live now, so it won't be a HUGE move...but still...moving is moving.
So, the next two weeks will be packing and organzing for Jade and I. Jade might not be able to sit up yet, but I have every intention of putting her to work. hee, hee. Most likely she'll sit in her high chair watching me run around like a mad lady...but even if she just offers me many smiles to get me through the next few weeks, that will be a lot of help.
Any moving tips? From those of you who have moved many times?
I don't have pics of the new house yet, but I will by the end of the month and will be posting them as soon as we get settled in. It's only a few miles from where we live now, so it won't be a HUGE move...but still...moving is moving.
So, the next two weeks will be packing and organzing for Jade and I. Jade might not be able to sit up yet, but I have every intention of putting her to work. hee, hee. Most likely she'll sit in her high chair watching me run around like a mad lady...but even if she just offers me many smiles to get me through the next few weeks, that will be a lot of help.
Any moving tips? From those of you who have moved many times?
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Visit with Family
My older brother, GJ, and his wife Vicka and baby daughter, Anastasia came to see us this past week. They had to come to Seattle to get special paperwork taken care of for their daughter...who is now a dual citizen (both Russian and American). So while in town, they decided to hang out.
We did all sorts of stuff, we girls did tons of shopping, went out to eat, even got a manicure and watched some fun movies.
GJ and Jade...do they look related?
We did all sorts of stuff, we girls did tons of shopping, went out to eat, even got a manicure and watched some fun movies.

Thursday, June 07, 2007
The Supreme Court
Today was a very important day. Today JB and I were headed to the Supreme Court for the "Administration of Oath of Attorney" for JB. I was SO excited to attend and even got a little dressed up for the occasion.
On the way inside I saw a bunch of very fat crows near the sidewalk, obviously who had been fed before by tourists. I commented to JB how fat the crows were...not two minutes later then *WOOSH* a HUGE black crow flew right into my head!!! He knocked me forward and flew into a tree. I was so freaked out I almost couldn't move, JB had to calm me down as we continued inside. ECK!! First I had him check my hair for any nasty crow droppings...just in case.
I'm sorry this picture is so terribly dark, unfortunatly all my pictures are really dark...I'll have to mess with them to lighten then up a bit. Here are five the Attorneys repeating their oaths to "HOnorable Gerry Alexander, Chief Justice. James M Johnson, was the man to introduce Jonathan
On the way inside I saw a bunch of very fat crows near the sidewalk, obviously who had been fed before by tourists. I commented to JB how fat the crows were...not two minutes later then *WOOSH* a HUGE black crow flew right into my head!!! He knocked me forward and flew into a tree. I was so freaked out I almost couldn't move, JB had to calm me down as we continued inside. ECK!! First I had him check my hair for any nasty crow droppings...just in case.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Getting ready for some company!
I'm so excited because my Brother (GJ) and Sister-in-law (Vicka) and their brand new baby girl (Anastasia) are coming to see me!!! They are the cutest family of four, but unfortunatly little Emma isn't gonna make it out on this trip. You can check out their super cute pics on their Blog. They will be arriving sometime tomorrow and staying through Monday!
I just got back from shopping and now I'm doing some laundry and gonna go meet up with a girlfriend for some mall shopping. Woohoo!
It looks like there is some rain headed our way, hopefully we will have some sunny skies for this weekend.
Hope everyone is having a lovely Wednesday!
I just got back from shopping and now I'm doing some laundry and gonna go meet up with a girlfriend for some mall shopping. Woohoo!
It looks like there is some rain headed our way, hopefully we will have some sunny skies for this weekend.
Hope everyone is having a lovely Wednesday!
Monday, June 04, 2007
My last night ~ From Jade
Last night I was on the floor playing with Dad. He was watching football and explaining to me all the cool plays. I love watching TV with Dad, granted I normally just watch him...but still, it's fun.
While Dad and I were talking Mom came in the living room with her camera. She always has her camera. I turn around and there she is talking to me like a dog saying things like "roll over, roll over Jade" or "smile Jade, smile for the camera". This time it was "crawl Jade, come on you can do it!" I was thinking "come on, Mom. I'm having a nice time with Daddy right now."
But she wouldn't leave, so I gave her my famous chipmunk face. She likes this face the most, so I figured that would do. But oh no...she wanted me to crawl. So, I huffed and I puffed and I...

Saturday, June 02, 2007
Miniture Golf
Our family date night last night took us to the golf course, and not just any golf course...the Miniture golf course.
The old men inside the shop LOVED Jade and even offered for her to use the tinest putter I have ever seen. I said we would wait til she can walk.
Jade was very interested in the game, she kept staring at the ball the whole time.
The old men inside the shop LOVED Jade and even offered for her to use the tinest putter I have ever seen. I said we would wait til she can walk.
Here is JB fishing his ball out of a "sand trap"

Friday, June 01, 2007
The perfect...

...pair of peep toe pumps for summer. I love these cause they are close to a sandal but slightly more dressed up then one, while still feeling summery and light.
...dress, I've been looking for different styles or tectures in dresses this summer that I would actually wear and while I can't say it's amazing, there is something very fun about this dress. I love the ruffles and stripes and how casual it comes across...
I'm also in search for the perfect pair of aviator sunglasses. For two summers now I have wished to find a pair I like...and alas aside from the one Chanel has to offer...I have yet to find what I am looking for.
I'm also in search for the perfect pair of aviator sunglasses. For two summers now I have wished to find a pair I like...and alas aside from the one Chanel has to offer...I have yet to find what I am looking for.
There are so many things I'd love to have for summer. I'd also love to find the perfect summer hat...I don't even know where I would look for a hat, Target maybe?
Curious of what everyone else's summer obsessions are...lata
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