Here is Jade and JB's "First Father's Day" pic. They are watching some football I think...or something very manly. Jade loves watching manly things with is her favorite:)

This is a pick of Jade in her car seat. I took her out of our car to switch her to a friends. I sat her down on the sidewalk for a moment to give JB his keys...I turned around and saw her smiling so I just had to take this pic.

Here is Jade at "Park Day" with ladies from church. I think she is jealous of all the little kids that get to run around a she decided to just fall asleep:)

I'm loving the fact that Jade can sit up in her high chair now. She sits and I can then clean or cook or whatever I need to do.

Don't her little legs look so cute dangling down?

And that's all folks!
Yes, her little legs look SO CUTE hanging down from her chair...but I love the pic of her sucking her thumb laying on the blanket. Poor thing, missing out on playing with the kids 'cause she was too small! lol!
Oh man, she gets cuter and cuter every day! Don't you love those Robeez?? They're perfect for this, the crawling, and the first part of walking stage. SO easy to get on too!
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