Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's time to move on

And when I say move on...I really's time to move! JB and I are buying our very first house (have I mentioned that already?). We move on June 26th (or 27th...the house is ready for us to move in on the 26th) so anyone in town who wants to help out is welcome too! lol! I know helping us move would make your day, it certianly would ours. *big grin*

I don't have pics of the new house yet, but I will by the end of the month and will be posting them as soon as we get settled in. It's only a few miles from where we live now, so it won't be a HUGE move...but still...moving is moving.

So, the next two weeks will be packing and organzing for Jade and I. Jade might not be able to sit up yet, but I have every intention of putting her to work. hee, hee. Most likely she'll sit in her high chair watching me run around like a mad lady...but even if she just offers me many smiles to get me through the next few weeks, that will be a lot of help.

Any moving tips? From those of you who have moved many times?


Joshua and Carrie Briggs said...

Congratulations on the house! I'm sure you can't wait to make it your own.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Tip 1 I learned from M&RR

1. Get moving boxes from the liquor store. They are sturdy and great especially for packing breakables.

2. Label each box with a number. Then type up your numbers in Word or some computer paper and write what is in the box next to the number. That way you don't have to try and remember what's in the "kitchen box 2" or what's in "Kitchen"?? You can say, "What's in box 2? And look at your list. Oh yes.. it's full of cookbooks and napkins."

It worked wonders when we moved. :)

AND if you share the boxes with anyone else moving they don't have to relabel "Kitchen" or "Bedroom 3" to "Living room" and "Bedroom 2". :)
Congrats on the house!

Anonymous said...

Errr. I learned both tips from M&RR, not just tip 1. :)

Kristen said...

Don't kill the husband. Take lots of breaks and don't try to get everything done in one day if it just can't be done. :)

Rachelle said...

SEM made me realize we are a lot at moving in theory than in reality. We have such great ideas and yet when moving comes, I get so tired I can barely move. However, once you get to your destination exhausted, the list does help. I could search on a document and find what I needed and thus unpack VERY slowly. -rlr

Kelly Sauer said...

Above all, have fun. You need the light moments when things get crazy. It's cool to take a breath and just live--you know, the three of you spinning around your new empty living room until you collapse type thing. All the stuff will eventually move in to fill your house. It's your memories that will make it a home!

(I know. I've done this over 22 times--with and without my family. The best moves have the best memories!)

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats! Wow - those tips from SEM/RLR are great! The only thing I was going to say, was color code each box with those small, round, neon, "garage sale" stickers. Then have a paper taped to the front door with the stickers and label ("kitchen", etc) That way you don't have to stand there directing boxes. People can look at the sheet, and just put the box in the right room.

Amy K said...

That's so great guys! We can't wait to see pics of the house. Buying your first home is such an exciting thing. I'm sure you'll make it a perfect little nest for your family. :)

The other suggestions are good. I guess I've found that starting early and doing a little at a time is good because it makes it seem less overwhelming. Don't be afraid to pack up your kitchen a few days in advance if it makes it more stress-free. Eating McDonalds for a few days won't hurt you and it may really make life easier.

Congrats again! :)