#2 I once collected 3333 pennies just for the fun of it
#3 My first (and only) speeding ticket was in a school zone (which I didn't realize) where I was going 30 miles an hour.
#4 I've gone "fishing" in a swimming pool with no fish :) with girlfriends, because after we had caught one fish in the lake we all became to tramatized to take another fish off a hook.
#5 I've ridden a dirt bike into a corn field on accident
#6 I've been sky diving
#7 I don't like to drive
I forgot to mention I also make a good rabbit face!

Ha ha! I love the fishing in the swimming pool one...actually all of them are cool. It's lame to get a speeding ticket for only going 30mph! And riding a dirt bike into a corn field and sky diving is just plain cool. Sigh. I wish I was you!
lol, the speeding ticket one is pretty lame, but riding a dirt bike in a corn field was fun...though slightly lame:)
That is a good rabbit face. :)
I didn't know you had been skydiving! Cool!
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