Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Just a quick post

Ok, so today is my little brother's birthday. He's turning 19. So in honor of his birthday I thought Jade and I should call him and sing him a really bad verison (bad, as in off key) of "Happy Birthday". We got his voicemail so I began my off key song. Not two seconds later but Jade was screaming in terror over my badly sung song. I couldn't even finish she was crying so bad. Sure enough as soon as I stopped singing, she calmed down .
Guess I'll need to sing in key from now on:)

Happy Birthday Nate!


SES said...

that's really funny Missi. My Dad and I always used to sabotage birthday messages the rest of the family tried to put together as well. I personally feel that it takes quite a bit of talent to sing completely offkey =)

Kristen said...

Oh my, that's hilarious! Jade must have a good ear...

Janice Phillips said...

lol...Cha and Amanda called me on my bday a few weeks ago and left the most horrible/hilarious/best message on my phone...I saved it to make me smile...and I totally agree w/Sean about the talent.