Jade is two now, I think I assumed by this age I wouldn't be worrying about or even thinking about still wanting to buy her bibs. But the older she gets it seems the messier she becomes. Especially since two of her favorite foods (to feed herself) are applesauce and yogurt. I must admit, she really does pretty well...but still...she needs to wear a bib.
The thing is, the bibs you can buy at your local Target and/or Wal-mart, are not only ugly, but usually don't last longer then a few weeks. Who thought velcro was really the best idea for baby bibs? Velcro and bibs should never be combined. If you wash a Velcro bib not only does it snag everything in your washing load (even if you close the tabs first) but it also seems to slowly tear apart the velcro and once washed...it never holds the same again.
So I've been searching for bibs with snaps. I found one at a cool baby store downtown. But it was $15 and not that cute, then a found a super ugly one at Walmart for $5. I bought it, but I hate it, it's ugly.
The one below is $16. But isn't it pretty? It's pretty and it snaps and its organic. And you can buy it at
Ja*lu I want to go to this store and buy their pretty bibs.

And then these bibs. How cute are they? However at $26 a pop at the
Land of Nod I doubt I'll be buying these any time soon.

Perhaps, these are a better option, they are only $12.95 and you can plop them in the dish washer. Kinda cute in a space baby sort of way. hee, hee. Also from the Land of Nod.

Anyway, if any of you moms out there have a favorite bib, I'd love your tips. I want to know where to buy, if they have cool snaps and how much. It's time for me to be smart and invest in a bib that will last, stay on the baby, and not ruin the clothes in my wash!
I have just 1 that I love. I don't remember where I got it from. I used it with Kameron and now Caitlyn uses it when she has things like you mentioned. It has snaps on the back. BUT what I love the most, it it has snaps at the bottom's sides (if that makes sense) where you can fold the bottom and make a pouch on the bottom to catch food. It's great! Good luck!
Missi, not sure if you're into sewing at all, but my grandmother made several bibs for Lauren that were custom to her size and had snaps. They are beautiful, clean easily and easy to keep on. Plus they don't attach themselves to other laundry like the velcro ones do. I can find out the pattern name if you're curious, just let me know.
Super cute picks, Missi! I hope you find what you are looking for.
I like the last selection of bibs best! They are so weird and cool at the same time,lol
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